"Took down some of the worst pirates in the East Blue, and pissed off some marines," Zoro chided ducking into the room.

Something Sakura realized she disliked, while the rest of the crew were practically walking bells she could hear a minute away, the swordsmen stepped lightly. She didn't know if it was deliberate or not. And she did not enjoy the surprise.

"That's amazing," She wouldn't know any of those so-called worst pirates, so she didn't ask. "Though Luffy is easygoing, considering his accomplishments. Must be the type who only gets serious when he needs to,"

"Yeah, I had the same impression of him when we met. But I know better than to judge by the cover," He was looking directly at her while she was keeping her gaze supposedly fixated on the poster.

"Something you want to say?"

Zoro folded his arms, "If you really can't remember anything, how do you plan on getting home once you're off this ship?"

She wouldn't have the answer to that question, but she couldn't go sailing with these pirates forever either. What could she do though? There was no way to formulate a plan in such an unknown world.

Waiting for someone to rescue her crossed her mind much to her disdain, however, she was considering all possibilities. that was the furthest chance though since she didn't know if anyone could even get this dimension to rescue her.

'And I can't just sit around and wait,'

"I'm not sure, I'll just figure it out as I go," Sakura shrugged. This swordsman was sharp and he was still wary of her, even though her appearance usually fooled a lot of people into thinking she wasn't a threat.





Nami's voice called everyone back up to deck. Sakura followed, looking out into the distance. She was relieved to see the sight of land in this endless sea.

Luffy was grinning from ear to ear, "That's Loguetown. Where the king of the pirates was born and executed,"

"You're interested in that history huh Luffy?" Though from what Sakura understood it wasn't that many years ago the event happened. Gold. D. Roger was born in Loguetown and his execution was there as well. Hence the reason the town was dubbed 'The town of the beginning and the end,'

"That's because I'm gonna be king of pirates too,"

Sakura was looking forward to this visit as well, it was a chance to get to know this world a little better. And hopefully, come to understand what she could do in it.




Finally, he had made it to land. An island with a Marine base just as he hoped. They were so close to the Grand line that it was a leap but he had made it.

Nursed well after his comrades and fellow marines found him drifting and picked him up.

He has passed out from severe dehydration but once he woke up, he immediately called for the one in charge of the base.

The man who entered the ward was one of the most reputable marines. Well known for his accomplishment of keeping Loguetown, the once regular pit-stop for pirates safe. Even some of the townsfolk considered him a monster, but that was a good thing. Because the marines needed monsters to fight monsters.

Kunoichi amongst PiratesWhere stories live. Discover now