New Food

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"Well we're here. Thank goodness." Elsie says as the group arrives on shore the others except for Alexis run to meet their parents and families.

"Are you alright dearie?" Elsie asks as she notices Alexis hasn't budged an inch.

"Yes.. just nervous." Alexis says.


"Toodle-oo! I'll stop by soon for a chat shall I? Ta-ta!" Elsie says as she leaves while Alexis watches the others nearby.

"Sorry for all the trouble we caused Grandpa. We just wanted to find enough food so we could all stay together." Littlefoot says as he is with a pair of elderly longnecks.

"And I think you succeeded." Grandpa longneck says.

"Did you hear that? We succeededed." Ducky says happily as Alexis smiles slightly.

"If we hadn't been looking for you children, we never would've found this beautiful place." Grandma longneck says as she looks at the place they found.

"There's enough food here for everybody. At least until the Great Valley is green again." A male dinosaur says as Cera goes over to him.

"We not have to split up?" Petrie asks.

"We sure don't." Grandpa longneck says.

"Just as long as we don't have to take any more rides on Elsie." Cera says.

"Speaking of our adventure. We have someone we want you to meet. Everyone this is Alexis. She's a dire wolf. A lone one. She lost her family when she was young." Littlefoot says as Alexis nervously goes over to him.

"I've seen you dire wolves. You're sharpteeth. Why would you be here with the young ones?" Grandpa longneck asks.

"As Littlefoot said sir. I'm all alone. I can leave if you like." Alexis says as she gives a nervous look.

"We want her to stay in the herd. She's part of the reason we are here now. She's been a great friend and doesn't attack other animals apart from fish. She even eats berries and fruit and only preys on already dead animals. Please can she stay? She could really use a herd to look after her." Littlefoot says as he and the others plead to the adults.

"Oh.. Alright then." Grandpa longneck says.

"Thanks grandpa! Let's go play in the water!" Littlefoot shouts as the group runs for the water.

"It's great to be home." Cera says.

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