The Attack

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A/N: My apologies for the late start in the movie. I wanted it to pick up at a certain spot which is why it is starting here.

One afternoon as Alexis is by the ocean she is quickly trying to catch a small fish in the shallow water.

"Ugh! This is not an easy thing in so much water!" Alexis says as she is biting at the fish in attempt to grab it with no luck. As Alexis gets out of the water she hears screaming and quickly gets into some bushes where she sees a group of young dinosaurs get onto the shore nearby.

"Mmm. I've never seen dinosaurs quite like them before. What are they doing here?" Alexis asks while staying hidden as she watches the group before losing interest and walking off.


Later as Alexis is walking along the shores near the shallows she soon spots the group of kids on a log in the water.

"Now what are they doing?" Alexis says before seeing as the group is in trouble and quickly runs out onto what's left of a rocky path.

"Hey! Over here!" Alexis shouts as the kids see her.

"Who are you!?" A longneck shouts.

"That doesn't matter! Just paddle and follow me back to shore quick! It's too big to follow into the shallows!" Alexis says as she begins running back to shore while watching the group of kids. Alexis then watches as the kids barely make it to shore before running over to them.

"Are you all okay!? Don't you know not to go into the deep water like that because there's creatures that can eat you?" Alexis asks.

"Well.. we do now. Thanks." The longneck says.

"Back to where we started. Well at least we're safe from the swimming sharptooth." The young longneck says before the group hears a loud growl.

"Yeah. I'd much rather be eaten by the kind that walks." A girl dinosaur says.

"Why don't you all follow me. I have a den site nearby. You can stay there for the night if you want." Alexis says as she gestures for the group to follow her.

"Thank you. Who are you anyway?" A young green girl dinosaur says.

"Alexis. Now follow me." Alexis says as she runs off with the others behind her.


"Thanks again for the help today." The longneck says as Alexis brings over a large leaf filled with berries.

"No problem. I'm sorry but this was all I could scrounge up. It's one of my favorite foods here. It's not much but you shouldn't be hungry at least." Alexis says as she smiles kindly.

"Thanks!" One of the girls says as all begin eating as Alexis watches.

"So Alexis where are your parents? Aren't they worried about you?" The longneck asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Huh? Oh... um... well..." Alexis says sadly as one of the dinosaurs looks at her curiously.

"Wait a minute. She's sharptooth!" One of the girls shouts in alarm causing the others to show alarm as well.

"Huh!?" The group shouts in alarm and fear as they back away from Alexis.

"Why do you keep saying that word? I don't know what you're talking about." Alexis says in confusion.

"You're a sharptooth and you've never heard of being called that?" A flying dinosaur asks as Alexis shakes her head.

"Look I can assure you I am no threat but I don't know what you mean by that word." Alexis says in confusion.

"We mean an animal that eats those like us. We call them sharpteeth because their teeth are sharp. Yours are sharp." The longneck says.

"Oh. Now I see. Look I'm not a threat. You have nothing to fear. Trust me I just eat things such as fish, berries, and carcasses. I'm kind of a forager as you might say. I respect the circle of life enough to not prey on anything like another dinosaur. Besides what kind of dire wolf hunts alone anyway? Not unless they're looking for trouble." Alexis says as she looks down.

"You're a dire wolf?" The flying dinosaur asks as Alexis nods.

"I heard about those. My grandpa told me about them. Said they're really rare and usually travel in what are called packs. Is that why you're alone? Because your pack is small?" The longneck asks as Alexis gives a sad look.

"I don't have a pack. I'm a loner. I hunt and live on my own. My parents died when I was young. I wound up hear and took care of myself since." Alexis says sadly.

"I'm sorry. I know the feeling." The longneck says as he gives a sympathetic look.

"Don't be. I'm fine with it. It's lonely but it's livable. Anyway help yourselves. I'm gonna go keep watch outside. I enjoy the stars on a night like this anyway." Alexis says as she goes to walk outside the cave.

"Why keep watch?" The flying dinosaur asks curiously.

"You wanna meet whatever made that growl earlier without warning?" Alexis asks as she looks over her shoulder at the dinosaur.

"Nope." The flying dinosaur says quickly.

"Hey wait!" The longneck says as Alexis looks at him.

"Yeah?" Alexis asks.

"We know your name. Don't you want to know ours?" The longneck asks.

"Sure." Alexis says as she smiles slightly.

"Well I'm Littlefoot. These are my friends. Cera, Ducky, Spike, Petrie." The longneck says kindly.

"Nice to meet all of you. I hope things will be better for you in the morning." Alexis says as she goes out of the cave and climbs up to the top where then lays down while listening to the others singing below.

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