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"Hello dearie. I'm Elsie. Oop! Watch the eyes." The female dinosaur says as she lets Littlefoot and Chomper off as the others come over.

"Yeah! You guys made it!" The others shout happily as Chomper's parents roar and growl.

"She says you're safe with them." Alexis says.

"What did he say?" Littlefoot asks.

"He uh... He says yeah. Same goes for him." Chomper says as his mother nuzzles Littlefoot.

"Uh... You're welcome." Littlefoot says.

"You were right. Chomper and his folks may be different from us but they're family. Just like our families. Even Alexis is like us." Cera says as Alexis smiles kindly.

"Except our families not eat us." Petrie says.

"Our families. Not that we'll ever see our families again." Littlefoot says sadly.

"What's that young long neck? Got some long-lost relations on the other side of the pond as we say?" Elsie asks.

"Yeah." Littlefoot says as he looks at Elsie.

"Well now. I might just be able to do something about that." Elsie says as the others gasp.

"Really?" The others ask as Elsie nods.


"Step lightly now kiddies. Mustn't tarry. The herds I saw last night might have moved on by now. And if you're going to be sea sick let Aunt Elsie know so she can duck." Elsie says as Chomper says goodbye to Littlefoot. Alexis then pins her ears back and begins to walk off before Littlefoot runs in front of her.

"What are you doing Littlefoot?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I was curious if you wanted to come. We talked it over and would like you to come back with us. We're sure our herd will let you in.. with a bit of convincing." Littlefoot says as Alexis looks at him unsurely.

"Even if i'm a sharptooth?" Alexis asks.

"Not like any sharptooth I ever met. Just like Chomper and his family. So will you come?" Littlefoot asks as Alexis smiles.

"Sure. I guess the worst they can do is say no. Besides no where for me to go anyway." Alexis says as Littlefoot smiles.


"So there I was. Just cruising along, minding my business, when I spotted this very distinguished old longneck on the beach. Quite surprised I was." Elsie says as the group is riding on her back.

"That's my Grandpa!" Littlefoot shouts.

"Is he now? So that's where you get your good looks. Oh I was right taken with him I was. If only he had flippers we would make quite a pair swimming about in the sea." Elsie says as she giggles.

"Oh I hate the sea." Cera says looking sick.

"Do you dearie? Now that's a shame. Because it's quit the loveliest place to live." Elsie says happily.

Bonds Of Time Land Before Time The Mysterious Island Littlefoot X OC AlexisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon