Fight Between Sharpteeth

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As Alexis is walking she soon runs into Chomper.

"Chomper? Are you okay?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yeah. I know Cera didn't mean any harm." Chomper says as Alexis smiles at him softly before her smile disappears.

"Well she shouldn't of said it anyway. Still.. can't change what we are." Alexis says as she pins her ears back.

"I know and it's okay. I just wish you had a family like I did to look out for you." Chomper says as Alexis smiles and nuzzles him.

"Heh.. yeah. Hey.. do you hear that?" Alexis asks as she perks her ears up hearing noise in the distance before hearing screaming.

"The others! They're in trouble!" Chomper shouts as he and Alexis run toward the sound and see the others cornered by a sharptooth before both growl and attack it.

"Go Chomper, Alexis!" The others shout before the sharptooth knocks Alexis and Chomper off before it then goes to go after them only for Cera to distract it long enough for Alexis and Chomper to run over to the others. As the sharptooth corners the group Chomper's parents show up and begin to fight with the sharptooth before it is knocked off the edge and Chomper with it.

"Chomper!" Littlefoot shouts as Chomper surfaces in the water.

"Mommy!" Chomper shouts as his mother and father come over to beside the others.

"Hang on Chomper!" Littlefoot shouts.

"Littlefoot no! You are not a swimmer." Ducky says as Littlefoot dives into the water below to help Chomper.

"Littlefoot, Chomper watch out!" Alexis shouts as she sees the swimming sharptooth before seeing it is not a sharptooth but a friendly water dinosaur as it lifts Chomper and Littlefoot out of the water.

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