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As lexis is sleeping the next morning she immediately shoots up upon hearing the others screaming and sees them running.

"Hey! Stop! Slow down!" Alexis shouts as she runs after the others.

"You keep up!" Cera shouts as Alexis snarls in annoyance before stopping upon seeing what they are running from before seeing where the others are running to and heads around to a shortcut to cut them off. As Alexis arrives she sees chomper in front of the others as they cower.

"Littlefoot?" Chomper asks.

"Chomper?" Littlefoot asks in shock.

"You can relax. It's only a little young one." Alexis says as she comes over.

"Not just any young one. Chomper's an old friend of ours." Littlefoot says happily.

"Looks like we got that in common. I sometimes run with Chomper though I didn't realize that was his name." Alexis says happily as she nuzzles Chomper.

"Me not see you since you just barely hatched." Petrie says as the group gathers around Chomper.

"And now I'm all grown up." Chomper says happily.

"You are a big sharptooth all right. Yep, yep, yep." Ducky says.

"It's nice to see a familiar face. You live here?" Littlefoot asks as he nuzzles Chomper.

"Yup. Me, my mommy and my daddy. Alexis sometimes stays with us. It's how we met was coming here to live." Chomper says happily.

"His mommy and daddy?" Cera asks in alarm.

"Did not we meet them once before?" Ducky asks worriedly.

"Me remember them." Petrie says.

"Well anyway it's great to see you." Littlefoot says as he nuzzles Chomper.

"I miss you guys. Hey you wanna look around? You wanna? Come on! What's the matter? You coming? Come on!" Chomper says as he walks away.

"Sorry guys. Chomper can be a touch excitable but he means no harm. Long as his parents don't show it should be fine." Alexis says as the group follows after Chomper.

"It's great having somebody here to talk to besides Alexis who doesn't roar back." Chomper says.

"So you like it here?" Littlefoot asks.

"It's okay. Not much to eat." Chomper says.

"Till now." Cera says receiving an angry look from Littlefoot as the group hears a loud roar.

"Don't worry. It's just my mommy. Come on I want you to meet 'em." Chomper says as the others show concern and worry.

"No Chomper wait. I er... Don't think that's such a great idea." Littlefoot says.

"Oh why not? I know they'll like you." Chomper says in disappointment.

"How? Rare, medium or well-done?" Cera asks as she stands up.

"Oh I don't think they'd... Oh okay. Wait here." Chomper says as he walks off sadly.

"I'll go watch. Make sure they actually leave." Alexis says as she follows after Chomper and watches in the bushes as Chomper's parents begin to smell the others before quickly stepping out into view.

"Sorry folks. I uh could use a bit of a bath in the water. Chomper was referring to me actually when asking a friend to come to dinner." Alexis says nervously as Chomper's parents look at her before roaring and walking off.

"What was that all about?" Littlefoot asks.

"I don't think you're safe around my folks." Chomper says.

"Big surprise." Cera says.

"You guys should be more careful. His dad smelled you." Alexis says.

"Us smell bad?" Petrie asks curiously.

"No. They uh think you smell good." Chomper says nervously.

"Oh! That even worser." Petrie says fearfully.

"But I know a place that they would never find you. It's a good thing my folks are the only big sharpteeth around here." Chomper says as the group follows him.

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