-The Hoodie-

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Slight intoxication

This was taken from my other TomTord book and I'm putting this here bc I'm no longer doing Smut over there. This was the very first smutshot I wrote and I'm so glad I've finally gotten around to fixing it. Let's be honest it was really bad ._.

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(3rd POV)
Edd, Matt, and Tord were watching scary movies in the living room. Tom being, well, Tom, decided to not join them. Before Tom could disappear into his room, Tord had picked fun at him. It's safe to say that spoiled Tom's night.

Edd was sporting one of Matt's hoodies with a pair of black shorts, Matt was wearing his "I <3 M@" shirt with blue jeans, and Tord was wearing a black T-shirt with some grey sweatpants.

Tom decided he didn't want to continue being a lazy slob and decided to mess with Tord. I mean he deserved it after making fun of Tom, at least that's what the blue brit convinced himself.

(Tom's POV)
I was sitting on my bed, thinking of things I could possibly do to piss off Tord but had been coming up short. Usually it wasn't this hard to pick something. I have some go-to's such as hiding his hentai but even that didn't feel like the thing to do.

A figurative lightbulb illuminated above my head as I got an idea. I was going to steal his hoodie. I knew Tord didn't currently have it on because he wasn't wearing it earlier and I hadn't heard him walk to his room to fetch it.

Now this might seem like a minor thing to take but I knew that Tord felt his only personality was in that hoodie. I don't remember when or even how I heard this but I didn't care. It was time to put my plan into action. But first.....some Smirnoff.

I walked downstairs, noticing how the air bit at my legs. I forgot I had shorts on. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle from the fridge, stopping in the hallway on my way back to my safety cave to look over the couch. Luckily Tord still had his hoodie off.

I made my way to his room and quietly opened the door. It was dark so it took a few seconds for me to adjust to the lighting but I finally found his hoodie on his bed. I grabbed the lump of fabric and made my way back to my room.

I closed the door quietly and walked over to the closet door, opening it and just tossing the article of clothing inside. I know I could ruin it or intentionally stain it but in all honesty, I was feeling rather lazy today. I closed the closet door and flopped onto my bed.

I simply stared at the ceiling. I wasn't looking for anything, just tracing the texture with my gaze. My gaze dropped to the bedside table and to the unopened bottle of Smirnoff. I sat up.

"Why not.." I mumbled, softly shrugging and grabbing the bottle. I put the bottle into my empty eye socket and squinted, pulling and effectively opening the bottle. I opened my eye all the way and the bottle cap fell into the abyss.

(Author: I'm not changing this and u cant make me >:D)

I brought the bottle to my lips and took a sip, comforted by the familiar burn going down my throat.

Soon enough, after many shots, I was good and drunk. My eyes had gone half lidded and my body semi-slack. I laid down and again was just staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.

It's been 45 minutes since I took Tord's hoodie and he hasn't come bursting through the door looking for it. My guess is that, in this moment, he was unaware of its absence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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