Christmas Party of 3 (Jay/Tim)

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Jason x Tim.

The busy hustle and bustle at Wayne manor was in full swing with the bat kids on December 25th.

Between eating Alfred's delicious food and gathering in the living room to exchange and open presents, it was an exceptionally successful event.

Family Christmas.

Everyone was smiling and laughing and yuletide cheer was through the roof. This day specifically being a day everyone silently agrees to put any quarrels or passive aggression behind them.

Just for those 24 hours at least.

But hey, Alfred and Bruce will take whatever they can get.

Two bat kids in particular had snuck away from the rest of the group. Grabbing their own privacy a little ways down an empty corridor, just under a small string of mistletoe hung right outside the kitchen.

Jason and Tim had put aside their differences years ago and whatever they couldn't put aside, they worked through. They put great effort into the relationship they have now.

Not only had they taken on the role as boyfriends pretty spectacularly, but now the role as husbands has been center stage for a little over half a year.

The two were happy. Bottom line. And with this being their first Christmas as a married couple the excitement was even higher.

Tim pulled away from the kiss and just grinned up at Jason, watching him for a moment as Jason's lips spread into a grin of his own. "What?"

Jason's curiosity was getting the better of him and he knew Tim's smile meant he had something to share. Something important.

"I have a present for you, that's what." He moved his arms down from Jason's shoulders to pull a small brightly wrapped box out of his pocket. It was rectangular and only about an inch in height.

He held it firmly in his hand for a moment before eagerly handing it to Jason, his smiling only growing as his husband took the package with delicacy, still watching Tim's child-like expression with suspicion.

As soon as he started tearing the wrapping he really got into it, getting the bow then the paper off within seconds, only stopping briefly to examine the box underneath before pulling off the lid.

His breath hitched and Tim drew in an equally excited yet nervous breath, watching Jason carefully as he gently held up a small stick. A pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test.

"Oh my God. Tim does this mean-?" He looked at Tim, his eyes welling with small tears as Tim nodded, laughing out happily. "Yes. Merry Christmas, Jason. You're gonna be a dad."

Jason sniffled a little then pulled Tim into a hug, kissing all over his head and cheeks and nose, laughing along with Tim. "This is the best present ever, babe. I love you so much."

Tim sighed happily, beaming as Jason's hand stopped to rest on his still flat stomach. "We love you too, Jason." With that he leaned up, kissing Jason deeply.

This would definitely be a Christmas they'd never forget. Next year though, will be even better.

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