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Hello! Hi! If you read the description, which you probably didn't, you'd know that I had another smutshot book almost identical to this that just dissapeared off this platform. I didn't delete it and it didn't get reported but it was just gone. Thankfully I only had one story posted when it just died on me.


Once I do start taking requests again you can either give me a detailed description of what you want done or you can just write a few words and leave it up to my imagination. If you do simply leave me a few words it might take me longer to do since I have to make a plot but it's fine either way.

I don't usually do my versions of Tom and Tord as "submissive and breedable" so if you want that type of stuff or even the name "Daddy" to come up, you need to say that. I try my best to make the characters as close to canon as possible and sometimes that's a struggle but I'm going to make them like real human beings with real emotions and reactions to things.

I'm GOING to make porn with a plot and try not to rush into things because a lot of the time it's not just like yo let's fuck there is a build up. Anyways moving on..

• Teasing
• Masochism
• Sadism
• Drugs and/or alcohol involved
• Edging
• Dirty talk
• Tying up

There's more I don't wanna even try to remember rn. When I say alcohol involved and all that I mean like comfort and sex after they're sober. No non-con here.

• Blood kink (Depends)
• ANY bodily fluids being drank or eaten, except maybe blood and 100% yes for cum but just ew no.
• Foot fetishes
• Any type of genuinely hateful belittling.

I think that's about it. Enjoy!

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