"No! No- don't shoot!" Feitan continued to shout as he struggled to escape out of their grip but the man holding him down had enough of him. He knocked him out with a hit to the head and then it went silent again. (Y/n) stiffened when she noticed he wasn't getting up. She could survive a few blows to the head, an arm getting cut off or even a stab to the heart, in a few seconds she'd be back on her feet but Feitan- he was human. He was fragile. A stab or a hit in the wrong place could end up with him six feet under ground.

She could see his blood puddling underneath him. Panic grew inside her and she could feel her chest tighten. Still, she tried not to show it knowing that any signs of fear would make things worse for them all.

"I should kill you. You're a murderer and a monster. Your wealth can't save you anymore, you know that?" With his gun he pushed back the strands that covered her face and inspected her well. "You're nothing without that controlling mother of yours."

"Did you come here to insult me?" She snarled. "Because I promise you there's girls younger than you who could do better."

"You speak with no fear. They're finally eating the rich thanks to Tserriednich." He scoffed and then his gun lowered to her neck and pulled down to unbutton her shirt. "I wonder if I'll be eating you too. You're pretty even without that crown over your head."

She snatched his gun and shoved it right back up his face. The hit knocked him off his feet and he fell to the ground with a broken nose.

"Tell them to let my people go or I'll blow your brains out." She threatened as she took over his spot and aimed the gun to his face instead. "And now that I have a reason to shoot you I'll actually do it."

His silence angered her more. Just a minute ago he was spitting in her face and now that she had the upper hand the man stayed quiet.

"I said let them go!"

He flinched upon her shouts and with a wave of his hand his friends released hers.

They were hesitant and they kept their guns pointed towards them, though they didn't attack. (Y/n) backed away slowly but kept the gun pointed towards him too. She glanced over to Feitan to see him still on the ground. She had to force herself to not run to his side. Instead she looked over to Leorio and he already knew what she was trying to say. He ran to his side without another thought and checked on his head.

"They're coming for you, (y/n)." The man continued to blabber on. "Everyone is coming for you."

"I'll be waiting for them." She scoffed and then with all her strength she snapped his gun into two and threw them, barely missing his head. "But for you, if you get anywhere close to my husband again I'll be happy to have a pig for dinner."

The man had nothing to say this time. He got back on his horse and ordered his soldiers to back off. All of them disappeared into the forest and when they were out of sight (y/n) bolted to Feitan's side.

"Please tell me he's going to be okay!"

"He will."

"Are you sure?"

Leorio grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure. It'll bruise though and he'll have a major headache when he wakes up. Be prepared to be in hell for a few days considering this is Feitan we're talking about." He laughed awkwardly though it truly wasn't that funny. He cleared his throat and then threw him over his shoulder.

"We should get going now. It's going to get dark soon and there's a chance it'll be freezing tonight again."

"At least we'll have ice for his head."

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