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Never did (y/n) (l/n) think she'd have to wake up to the smell of fire.

Her bedside was empty and her tent was a mess inside. Strange how just last night she had a scolding conversation with Feitan about how he shouldn't make a mess in their tent when he knew that tomorrow morning they'd have to go through the trouble of packing everything up again.

Their destination was so close yet so far away. They'd have to suffer in the cold for at least another month.

The smell of smoke only grew stronger. Usually this was normal. Feitan would wake up hours before she did and would go hunting on his own to bring warm breakfast to her side when she'd finally wake up. Except today was different. When she finally snapped out of her daze she scrambled out of their tent. The cold breeze hit her delicate face and she had to pull her coat tighter to protect herself. Thankfully Leorio had given her an antidote shot last night otherwise she'd be struggling to even walk. But that didn't matter right now.

What mattered was why rows of tents were all burned to the ground and her people were running away. The fire was already too big and it was eating everything it touched.

Her eyes widen in fear and she nearly fell out of shock. She grabbed onto one of her ladies and pulled her to the side.

"What happened!?"

"We're being under attack!"

"By who?" She asked but the lady kept sputtering out nonsense that didn't make any sense. "Calm down! Tell me who is attacking!"

"Hunters, my lady!"

The word slowly processed in her head and as the servant ran off to warn the rest (y/n) continued to walk closer towards the chaos. Somehow she wasn't afraid of these hunters. She used to be a hunter herself.

The black smoke grew bigger and if she looked hard enough she could see a man on his horse, blabbering an inspiring speech. In front of him were her soldiers, Leorio and Feitan forced to kneel with a gun resting right behind their heads.

When the sound of bullets cut through the air she froze in her place.

She gasped and then she screamed, "No!" before bolting in their direction but a man managed to grab her arm and shove her to the ground. She watched as the gun grew inches away from her face.

"Don't shoot her! Tell him not to shoot!" Feitan tried to interfere but the man shot her straight in the head. Her body slumped and her blood splattered against the snow. Silence filled the air and after a few long seconds the bullet hole closed itself and she coughed back to life.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, we were just talking about you." The old man chuckled. "You know just a finger of yours is worth a million? Your head though...that's enough to feed my family, my kids and their kids without having to work a single day in their lives. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll make this easy for the both of us. Are you going to remove those gloves or am I going to have to do it myself?" He asked.

"That'd be a waste of time." She managed to cough her words out. Her own blood tasted sour in her mouth, not a good way to start the morning. "You already know what I am."

"But you're not attacking me. Why?" He continued to throw more questions at her. "You're in the cold and you haven't turned. Your teeth aren't sharp, your eyes aren't white and your hair looks fine. You haven't attacked us. You look normal but I can shoot you in the head again and you'll come back to life. Witch."

He sounded desperate. Someone he loved wasn't strong enough to handle the poison.
Her eyes dart back to his gun.

"What's taking so long?" His friend shouted from afar. "Kill her already!"

Cold -Feitan X Reader-Where stories live. Discover now