Six- A Casualty

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Flug chuckled to himself, making sure he was alone before humming. Yet, he was wrong... As he mumbled, chuckled, and hummed to himself, someone was watching... 5.0.5. Now the good thing about this is that only Flug could understand him; and ONLY him...
"Aroo?" The bear asked; worried. Flug smiled gently, petting the bear's head. "Bubba...what's wrong?" He asks in return, acting as innocent as possible. 5.0.5 whimpered, not because he was hurt, it was just his way of communication. Random noises that fit him. There's reasons he acts the way he does... But Flug discloses them. Never to have them seen; that includes all of his inventions/experiments.
The only people that have ever seen them are himself and of course, Blackhat. It made Demencia curious, she wanted to know. And that's exactly what would happen...she'd finally know how and why she was created.. What her reason was... And 5.0.5 too. She was curious about both of them.

That night, around Midnight when Flug would normally be out for a murder, which he was; Demencia snuck into the Lab, breaking the lock on the files cabinet. She pulled out 5.0.5's file as well as her own. First, she looked at The bear's. The way he was created was terrifying.... To put it simply; the body was created by many dead animals, all sewn together, even some human parts, and why he acts the way he does? There was essence of a human child in his brain. A very kind child at that. Demencia shivered at the thought, and moved onto her own file.She too was made of different parts of both animals and humans. Her eyes were from two different creatures, along with most of her features. It says he even has his failed projects too. Her purpose was defense. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet, she was the opposite and that was stated in a more recent paper.

The door opened, but she didn't hear it. She was too focused on the papers. "Demencia?" Came Flug's voice. She jumped, turning around. Flug was covered in blood, holding a bloody weapon; the same one he had shown Madam Wincounsci. "Flug..!! Hi!" The scientist raised an eyebrow. "What are you holding?" He asks, coming closer. Demencia backed up even more, stumbling into the desk. "N-Nothing.. What are you holding...? And...why is it..stained? Who's..who's blood is that?!" She asks in return. Flug laughed. "Oh you silly girl..." He said. "This is the blood of those who decided to fall in love with the Boss we have.... I have a list you know." Demencia raised an eyebrow. "Who's on the list...?" She asks, nervousness and concern laced into her shaky voice. "Well, Chimera, Bonnivet, Airlock, Miss Heed, and...well; you. I had to replace you with Madam Wincounsci though... She was hitting on our dearest Boss." Flug replies. Demencia was now even more confused. "Who's Madam Wincounsci?" She wonders aloud. "Oh! Right, you didn't meet her! She was a client of Blackhat's." Demencia was fully backed up into the desk, and Flug was coming closer.

"Stay back!" She exclaims, fumbling with a needle she found in the desk. Flug laughed, his voice bouncing off the walls. "Alright. I'll stay here then!~" A gunshot fired; it was Flug's of course. It hit Demencia's arm, who let out a pained yelp. She dropped the files, holding her wounded arm. "Flug, w-wait!! Please.." She begged. "I-I won't even THINK of Blackhat a-anymore...just please don't kill me..!" The Doctor smiled wider, which somehow it did. He removed his bag, keeping the goggles. His skin was pale, his hair was dirty blonde, there were many scars all over his face. His eye colour was kept a secret though, the goggles prevented her from seeing them. It filled her with wonder, but her fear kept it from showing. "Oh Demencia.. You already thought about him. Not just that... You tried to take him, get him to be your partner, and now, you're looking at the files.. How far did you get with those?"
Demencia was stuttering, she didn't know how to answer. "Did you get to the part of the reason why the Boss decided to keep me alive, or no?" Demencia shook her head. "I-I thought the Boss just needed you to stay alive.." She said, making Flug laugh harder.

"Not even close.. Not even close!~" He exclaims. "It's because I knew too much....and sure, he did need a scientist/inventor; but that was his little cover.." Flug shot Demencia's arm once again, it drilled through her skin, her bone and into the wall, where it pinned her as she made groans and screams of agony. Flug shut the doors and locked them, then put a piece of tape over the girl's mouth. She would've tried to move, but it hurt too much. Dark blood was dripping down her arm, pooling on the floor. The Doctor began torturing her, slowly slicing limbs off, fingers and more. Blood covered both him and her. Flug was happy, he was smiling widely. Soon, she died from blood loss, and Flug positioned her in a slightly different way, where it was still believable. He unlocked the doors, headed to his room and change, put the weapons away, and quickly set the radio and piece of cloth over near Demencia.
It was only later that night where she was found. "Flug! Get your ass in here!" Blackhat orders, the scientist immediately obeying. "Y-Yes Sir?" This time, he had his bag once more. "What in the Hell happened to Demencia?" Flug looked at the body, forcing back a smile. "I-I believe...she.. Was killed by.. The...murderer..the one who goes around town.."He replies. "How though?! Flug, up the defenses. We can't have another one of you dying. I don't know how the bastard got in here, but it won't happen again. Am I clear Doctor?" The said Male nods quickly, grabbing a tablet to go get the defenses prepped. He chuckled to himself, making the defenses bigger and more powerful, making sure NOBODY could get in or out, except for Blackhat or himself... He didn't even let 5.0.5 out. Not anymore.

Speaking of 5.0.5, he was the one who had to clean up Demencia's body. All the blood and everything.. Poor guy.....poor guy.. Yet there was something poking at the bear's mind.
How did the killer get in? How did Flug not notice? And who's hair was on the floor? So, to get these questions answered, he went to his father...Dr. Flug.

The Scientist and The Villain [PaperHat, Yandere Flug] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now