Who knows what love is

Start from the beginning

"Isn't there someone in the attic? I remember Will mentioning him."

" Oh yes. His name is Billy and he can be quite vulgar. I wouldn't worry too much about him however, he's not going to hurt you. I'm sure we can get someone to help you up the stairs to the attic."

"Is Billy the man with the skin looking mask on?" Carrie pauses at these words, "I remember seeing a glimpse of him before but I've not seen him since."

"He um, stays in the basement with his brother. His name is Bubba and he'd love to meet you some time but Hannibal says to wait." With that name you remember reading stories in the paper about a man by the same name. Him and his brothers, a cannibal family in Texas. Even more disturbing we wears a mask made of human skin. You shudder and put the picture of the sheep down.

"I understand but I think it wouldn't hurt to at least say hi. I mean if Bubba's ok with it."

"I'm sure he would be. It's just his brother who I'm worried about. Thomas is very protective of family." You nod. The last thing you want is to be stuck in a house with serial killers who don't like you. Carrie moved the box to the dresser.

"Hannibal's making lunch. I'm sure it's going to be ready soon. How about I show you around the house first. Since you're going to be walking around more."

" Alright, that sounds wonderful." Carrie helps you up and you grab ahold of your crutches. She opens the door for you and you step into the hallway, her following after you.

"Straight ahead is the dining room. Hannibal has a large collection of European dishes. His holiday ones are out now. Hannibal is very particular about how everything is set up," Seeing it now in the sunlight you can see the holiday detailing on the plates and glasses, the entire table is set up very fancy, "Now through the hallway you can go to a little common area," She leads you through the Hallway to where you first met Norman. The Christmas tree is still set up and you find the fireplace too, although lacking stockings. There's expensive paintings hung on the walls along with a large couch, "This isn't too much of an exciting place to look at. But the living room is more fun." Carrie turns you around and you see Michael walking through the hallway. You tense up.

Hannibal said no one was going to hurt you but you never truly know. It's not like Carrie can protect you very much either.

"Hi Michael. I'm sure you know this is Y/n. This could be great time for the two of you to meet," She's says a bit more cheerful than you could expect. Michael is very big, probably over 6'5. You can see a bit of long hair peaking out of his white latex mask. He simply stares at you before leaving through the front door in nothing but his jumpsuit and boots, "He's not a big people person," She walks with you to the living room, set up with a few large chairs and a couch. Norman is reading on one of the chairs and Herbert is writing something in a journal on the coffee table. Norman perks up when he sees you and gives you a smile while Herbert just continues writing.

"I'm glad to see you walking Y/n." Norman says.

"Don't walk too much too soon. You're still healing after all." Herbert comments, still not looking up.

"Thank you Norman and I'll be more careful Herbert," Looking out past the windows into the woods behind the house you can see Jason faintly. Along with two other large men who you assume to be Thomas and Bubba.

"How about we go up to my room." Carrie suggests.

"Are you sure I can walk that far?" You ask as Carrie leads you away.

"I'm sure I can help you up the stairs. Just step on your leg lightly," You nod and make it to the stairs. It takes you both a good five minutes to get up them. But once upstairs you see the exposed hallway leads to six doors. Two on the left, three on the right and one straight down, "My door is the first one on the left. The one next to my room is my sewing room. Michael's and Jason's rooms are on the right, along with the bathroom and the door at the end leads to the attic. Carrie Explains as you follow her down the hallway. She opens her door to expose a very clean room.

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