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"I think your Christmas list
just got a lot bigger."

Jimin turned with wide eyes to me. "Right?"

I chuckled. "We'll probably end up with a few new members as well, if that's okay with you."

Jimin nodded.

"As long as they don't plan on betraying us, I'm fine with it."

"I'll have Tai interview everyone before they are allowed into
the clan."

"Probably a good idea, although they all look pretty desperate
to get away from their clans."

Jimin was right. They did.

I winced as I glanced at all the people standing around the king's assistant.

"Maybe we need to talk to the members of our clan and make sure we don't have any issues that need to be taken care of."

"You're the prince of gryphons Jungkook."

"You need to talk to all the clans."

I had just done that during the investigation into the coup.

I really didn't relish doing it
again but I was the prince.

It was my duty.

And sometimes it really sucked.

Jimin shrugged. "Well, the
more the merrier, I guess."


I smiled when King Jackson walked up to us and held out
my hand.

"Thank you, sir."

"I fear I have only given you a bigger headache, Jungkook."

"I'll deal with it, sir." It wasn't like I could refuse the king.

The King rested a hand on
my shoulder.

"If it gets too hard for you or if you need anything, call Yuval."

"Yes, sir." I doubted it would happen but it was nice to
know the option was there.

King Jackson smiled.

"I wasn't sure what to think when Grand Prince Kim talked
to King Nicolae and then he talked to me."

"I didn't know if coming in a show of support was a good thing or not, Not because I
didn't want to support you."

"I hope you know that, I just wasn't sure if coming here in person was the way to go."

"Those situations are never easy." Jimin said.

"But the next time, we really need to consider a backyard barbeque and not one of
these fancy high society gigs."

"These things are insane."

King Jackson chuckled.

"If you do, be sure to send me an invite."

He started to talk back toward King Nicolae when I heard a
loud shout.

"No! I won't allow you to
shame my family like this."

I turned just in time to see Joon's father rushing toward
King Jackson with a large knife
in his hand.

The man's back was to Joon's father and he was turning but
I didn't think he would be able
to defend himself in time.

Also because he was on his way back to where King Nicolae stood, he didn't have any
guards surrounding him.

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