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I breathed in slowly through
my nostrils and tried not to
shout at the moron going on
and on about why he needed more funds for his clan despite the fact that not even half of them held down jobs.

I didn't mind helping out where needed but this guy wanted me to fund his lazy ass.

Not to mention the lazy asses
in his clan.

If they needed money, they should go out and work for it
like the rest of the world did.

I was not a charity.

I picked up the tablet hobi had given me and checked it over to make sure I had my facts straight before glaring at the guy.

"Correct me if I am wrong but you have over a hundred and thirty members to your clan?"

The man blinked at me as if surprised I would ask such a question.

"Yes, that is correct."

"And of these hundred and
thirty members, seventy-five of them are of legal working age?"

The man swallowed tightly.
"Yes, sir."

"Of those seventy-five working age members, how many of them have jobs?"

"Oh, well, I...uh... I don't tend
to meddle in the everyday
affairs of those in my clan."

"I feel it is important that
they stand on their own two
feet, as it were."

"As it were...I see." I smiled
but it was not a friendly smile.

"According to my information less than twenty of your clan members hold down jobs, even part-time jobs."

"So out of seventy-five working age people, less than twenty
are employed. Why is that?"

"I couldn't rightly say sir,
Many of them are young and—"

I slammed the tablet down on the table. "Alpha San, do you really expect me to give you money for your clan when they are too damn lazy to go out and get jobs to support themselves?"

"Well, uh, you're the prince."

I cocked an eyebrow. "And?"

"It's your job to help us out financially, Your duty."

"Actually, it isn't."

Thank god for that.

"It's my job and my duty."

I smiled even wider, showing
off my sharp teeth.

"To ensure idiots like you and your clan don't suck the life out of every other gryphon in the country."

I planted my hands on the table and leaned forward until Alpha San leaned back and turned his head.

"Go home and tell your clan members that those that can work will work."

"If they have a legitimate
reason why they cannot work, submit it in writing to my office."

"Otherwise, I expect them all
to have jobs in the next ninety days or I will be coming down
for a visit and believe me, you
do not want that."

I narrowed my eyes and growled. "Do you understand me?"

Sweat trickled down the man's temples as he gulped and
gave a quick nod.

"Ye-Yes, my p-prince."

I grunted and leaned back, sitting down in my chair.

I casually picked up my tablet and slid my finger across the screen.

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