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I was pissed.

The last twenty-four hours
was not helping to convince
my mate to stay with me.

Yes, he had accepted my
claim and even claimed me in
return but that didn't mean
he would stick around.

It certainly didn't mean he would be happy if he did and that might be what pissed me off the most.

I wanted him to want to stay with me.

I didn't want him to stay
because he felt compelled to.

"Come on, let's head back out
to the veranda."

"I want to talk to your parents
a little bit more about what happened when Jin got taken."

"Something about that whole situation bothers me."

"Yeah, Uncle Jin got taken."

"No, it's that they thought it
was my men doing it."

"Why would they think that?"

"They said the men who took Uncle were dressed like your guards."

"And that's what confuses me."

"Were they dressed similar to
my guards or exactly like my guards?"

"That's what I need to know."

If they were dressed exactly
the same as my guards then
we had a bigger problem
than Jin's kidnapping.

The uniform my guards wore were pretty distinctive, They were also custom made with the logo of my house and station.

People were only supposed to
get them when they were officially issued to them.

"Tai come out to the veranda with us." I directed.

"I have some questions for Jimin's parents and I need
your input. You too Sai."

Their uniforms, while similar
were different due to their stations.

That might be another piece
of the puzzle.

Maybe someone was trying
to mimic the uniforms my
guards wore?

Jimin's father still looked like a wreck when we reached the veranda.

His mother sat next to the man, speaking softly to him as she held his hand.

I took a moment to watch the loving interaction between them.

I doubted anyone looking at them could tell that they were not true mates.

There was an almost visible
bond of affection between them.

It was love, just not romantic love.

"I have a few questions." I said as Jimin and I took our seats.

Namjoon lifted his head.


"I need to know about the uniforms the guards that
took Jin were wearing."

"What exactly did they look like? Were there any distinguishing marks on their uniforms or anything that stood out?"

Joon frowned before looking
at Tai and Sai.

He pointed to Sai.

"They wore uniforms like his."

I glanced at Sai and tried to
see him as Joon might.

Sai's uniform was all black.

He wore a tactical vest, gun holster on his hip, black cargo pants that ballooned where
his boots began.

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