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(guys Affogato is gonna be a part of this but im gonna introduce him a little later)

(also can yall tell i simp for vampire? bc he is awooga zooweemama humina doinkle mipy zongle)

(boys we've decided that instead of rewriting anything im just gonna randomly write him in character starting now 🫡)

"Y/N? Y/N wake up!! YY/NNNNNN!!!!!" pancake shook me aggressively, ive been awake for a few minutes already.

i pretended to snore loudly and pancake flopped onto my side, "Y/N if you don't wake up you won't be able to pet the sheep!"

"sheep?" i immediately perked up, "i've never pet a sheep before."

"come ONNNNNN!" pancake pulled my leg towards the door as hard as he could,

"ohhh no i'm suddenly too sleepy again, so sad i wont be able to pe- SNOREEEE"

"you cant say snore! im not dumb get up you lazy old man!"

"hey im not old!" i finally sat up, "im in my prime! this is peak performance." i made a goofy face and flexed my arms,

"yeah thats what old men say! cmon grandpa!"

"ill show you old man c'mere!" i jumped up and tickled pancakes sides, he squealed and ran away, so i quickly gave chase.

just as i was about to catch him he jumped and flew into a tree, then giggled profusely, looking down at me with playful fear.

"oh man beaten again by the ever powerful pancake." i turned around and shrugged, "i guess he's just not allowed on anymore adventures since hes just too mighty for that old man stu- OOF" pancake jumped out of the tree right onto my shoulders, making me almost stumble to the ground,

"NOOO! you cant do that! you have to let me go because i'll beat you up!" he punched the top of my head and his voice got higher in pitch in his distress,

"ow ow ow! okay okay! your just too strong to resist so sorry tall one!" i pulled him off my now sore shoulders and sat him on the ground, and he quickly remembered the sheep he was talking about earlier.

he pulled at my pant leg leading somewhere, "cmon you have to meet her! and her sheep!" he ran off and i followed, just a bit slower.

he skipped to the front of the newest house and there stood a woman talking to strawberry, gingerbrave and vampire.

strawberry was hiding behind gingerbrave while he tried to tell her the sheep weren't dangerous, while vampire floated and talked to the new woman.

"yeah he was acting a bit off last night but hanging out with pancake seemed to straighten him out i guess." vampire shrugged,

"well i'm glad to hear! wouldn't want to meet him while he was feeling unwell!" the woman hugged her stick that curled at the top and had a bell hanging off of it, with puffs of cotton growing out of it.

"hi guys, so vampire you're levitating now, thats cool!" i smiled up at him and he floated over, he seemed to be laying down midair, even his weird cape was pressed up against his body, but his long hair still hung down,

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