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(guys i got lice rn they r at war with my fleas)

(also i have most of this planned out im not makin this up as i go)

I sat next to fig and held their wrist in worry. after they passed out from exhaustion two days ago everyone helped me haul them into a shelter, and tonight another person will be transported here, meaning we were only in the tower for one day.

i sighed and got up to go get some water for fig, when they wake up they'll be really dehydrated. as i walked outside i noticed it was close to sunset, i had just been sitting next to fig all day, and i was supposed to go out hunting today.

as i collected water in a leather canteen pancake ran up behind me, "is fig awake?" his big eyes looked up at me hopefully,

"not yet panpan, but they should be up either tonight or tomorrow."

"how do you know?"

"because their body wont let them go thirsty, it'll wake itself up for water." i ruffled his white hair and stood up now that the canteen is full.

"hey, tonight a new person is coming, why don't you keep fig company while i greet them?" i asked as he hugged my leg,

"no! i wanna be with you when it happens." pancake wrapped himself around my leg and sat on my foot, forcing me to take him with me,

i laughed, "okay how about we both stay with fig? we can have cherry blossom greet them, plus we'll still be able to see it from figs place." i lifted my leg up high to see pancake through the fog that was already building up.

he giggled about being held up so high and squeezed himself around my ankle, "yeah! then i can give them acorns when they wake up."

"im sure they'll love that." i smiled and continued walking, more like waddling with all that weight on my foot.

after we got to figs shelter, we sat down next to them, pancake laying down next to them, snuggling into their deer body.

i put a cork into the canteen and laid it next to fig, then let out a breath i had been holding for too long and leaned back on a tree this was built into.

just as i leaned back cherry blossom appeared in the doorway, "Y/N? dear it's been two days you really need to eat, and get that chain off your next, oh and have you slept?" she crouched down, her poofy dress hovering just above the ground, and she grabbed my face, turning it either way to inspect the damage,

"sorry bloss, i cant sleep just yet i dont want them to be alone when they wake up, besides a passed out for a day when we got them in here i'll be fine." i gently brushed her hand from my cheek,

"and what about food? and you still haven't told anyone what happened! why is there a chain on your neck?!" she scolded,

"oh, haha sorry, but how about i explain tomorrow? wouldn't want to ruin the mood when the new person comes." i waved my hand in the air and looked away from her,

she huffed, "i knew you'd say that, cmon." she grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, not letting me pull away.

she dragged me to the fire pit, pancake staying with fig. cherry blossom shoved me into a sit with everyone else and stomped over to the fire and picked me up some food, something that lilac brought.

cookies of darkness X readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora