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St Pluvium, The Chamber Orchestra

The orchestra architecture is just spectacular, I never get tired of watching the tiny gold details on the frames and stairs whenever I walk past to see her plays. The chandelier-lit brightly, as we all stood in a place behind backstage. "I want to go alone," Allison wrote to Luther, "Allison I can't let you do that all right," he sighed. "She's beyond reasoning-" "Look the music is starting," Diego muttered. "Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther scoffed at her as her expression turned into frustration.

"We don't have time for this," Klaus reminded us, "okay," Luther sighed as he approved of her, and she ran through the stairs. "You're using it as a distraction, aren't you?" Diego said as he caught up with Luther's plans, "our best chance to incapacitate Vanya," he said. "Here I thought you gave her a chance to talk with Vanya, sister to sister," I taunted him as he rolled his eyes. "She'll thank us," he assured me, "so what's the plan?" Klaus asked for the second time, "uhhh you'll wait out front," Luther waved him away, as Klaus stopped climbing up the stairs and stared at him, with a puzzled face, "what?"

"Yeah, you're the lookout," Luther said quickly as he left with Diego to the other room. "Klaus, are you sure you're okay with being out here?" I asked sympathetically as he once again get unacknowledged by his own brother. "Yeah don't worry, Ben will keep me company," his smile came back as he ruffled my hair and pointed at Ben sitting at the end of a staircase.

After the interlude, Vanya began to play her solo as Vanya walked in the red carpet, as the people sitting in the left and right side were bewildered by her behavior. She's absolutely thrilled with how she played the violin so emotionally, vigorously, and flawless in every tune. In the backstage, Diego, Luther and I couldn't help but to be entranced with her play, I could've sworn her eyes changed into darker hues and she winked at the audience, or maybe to Allison?

We three then ran up to the stage, as we wanted to make a surprise hit at her but she noticed all of our plans like she could read our thoughts. She stood and whipped her violin bow at the audience, creating a field of energy around her as she slashed the blue energy at them. All of the audience were sprawled all over the area, all went to havoc and distressed at the occurring attack, they ran to the exit and wanted to escape this hellish nightmare. As all of the orchestra members watched her attacks, they stood up, but Vanya once again slashed her bow at them, making them continue playing their instruments.

"Move! Go, go, go, move!" Diego yelled at the people as the two men helped them exit the building. The audience all screamed as Vanya sent another slash at us and we ducked at her attacks, she still kept playing the violin just more vigorously and forming more energy waves. Her skin radiates a clear light blue color as the atmosphere turns sky blue, with resonating waves.

Some of the ladies grabbed on to their long dresses and sprawled away from the theater, whilst their dates or husbands just scattered away, not caring for their partners. Ironic isn't it? As they all exited the theater, the same armed men marched inside without our knowing. "She's stronger than expected," Diego yelled in surprise. "Yeah," even Luther felt frightened,  "no shit Sherlock," I scoffed. From the other side of the seats, Allison signaled Luther, with her expression turned to 'I don't need your protection' face. "Look, I almost lost you once, all right? I wasn't about to lose you again," Luther said deep heartedly as Allison ignored him.

"Well so much for the element of surprise, What else you got?" Diego asked him, Allison hand gestured about Vanya violent wind slashes. "No shit Allison. Tell us something we don't already know," Diego shouted, "she's talking about her bloody violin. It's her lightning rod, imagine Batman and his batarang or Luke Skywaler and his lightning saber." I said and pointed my finger at Vanya, emphasizing Batman to Diego, as he got my Batman remark on him. "She's right. If we can take it from her and stop it before she can do anything about it-" Luther said as we discovered the same shooters coming right behind us.

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