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"It's not manipulation, if you had ever believed me"

The tension grew so large that it could break the car's glass as I sped past the driving limit until I had police cars trying to pull us over. We reached the academy instead of the hospital, since Grace had greater and better advances in situations like this. "Come on now, let's go! Quickly!" Luther yelled in vain as he was carrying Allison in his arms, Klaus opened the doors wide open as we all rushed inside the house.

We found Grace listening as she noticed us panting and yelling for her help, she guided Allison to the med room as Luther set her body to the Gatch bed. We can only watch Grace trying her best to stitch her throat skillfully as surgical tools clatter, making it the only sound in the room. We all hoped she'd made it as Allison had not responded.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx, one of you will need to donate blood" Grace concluded. "I will," we all said in unison. "I'm doing it," Luther said in desperation. "I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine," Pogo sighed. "Meaning, your ape DNA or blood can contaminate hers," I explained to Luther. "Hey, don't sweat it. I-I got this big guy, I ain't afraid of a little needle," Klaus reassured him as he rubbed his arm. "Master Klaus, your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted," Pogo said as Klaus admitted defeat.

"Move. I'll do it," Diego said in pride as Grace prepared the needle with her bloodied hands. Diego saw the needle and blood and he just whimpered and knocked out cold to the floor, "Whoa!" Klaus yelled in surprise and Pogo only nodded to Grace, "stick him."

Timeskip | Living Room, with Five and Diego.

"That bastard who nearly killed our sister is still out there, with Vanya out of all people," Diego scoffed. "We need to go after her," Diego said determinately at the thought of Vanya being manipulated by him. "I agree, before Peabody could do any more harm to anyone, or to Vanya," I said and supported his plan.

"Vanya is not important," Five bluntly responded as he shook his head, "hey, that's our sister. A little heartless even for you, Five" Diego responded. "Tch, low blow," I muttered back, "I'm not saying I don't care about her but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us," Five justified.

"Harold Jenkins is our first priority," "I agree. Let's go," Diego nodded and ready to head out. "I'm coming, I have nothing better to do," I stood from the sofa and followed them. "You guys can count me out, I mean, you know no offense or whatever. I just kinda feel... like this is a whole lot of pressure for sober me, so..." Klaus admitted nervously as he scratched his head.

"You're coming," Diego demanded and squinted his eyes at him, "No no no," Klaus shook his head. "I think we can all agree that my power's... useless. I'd be holding you guys back, heh" Klaus flashed a timid smile. "Klaus, get up," Diego said, ignoring his stupid reasons, "you can make me," Klaus scoffed sassily. That was Diego's last patience, he then swung a knife towards Klaus, hitting the middle of the sofa cushion, right in front of his crotch area. He shrieked and sweat dropped, "oh then again, a little exercise won't hurt," Klaus evidently scared for another knife that's directed to him as he followed us outside.

Peabody's Resident | TW Hardcore detailed gore, mentions of blood

Vanya is having another episode of flashback from yesterday's occurrence as she went to the sink to wash her face. Suddenly, she knocked on Peabody's bag as the books and papers were scattered a bit. She gathered them all and put them inside the bag, when she noticed the familiar initial in a red book. She picked it up and showed a golden 'RH' on the hard cover,and flipped and skimmed the pages. The book has the Umbrella Academy logo, notes of her dad, as she began to skim it much faster in desperation and confusion.

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