Chapter 22: Recovery and Realization

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I woke up to some bright lights shining in my face and a huge pain in my chest. Once my eyes are adjusted to the light, I looked around to see other beds, all of which are occupied and bandaged up. After looking at them for a few seconds, I realized it was my friends and teammates, as well as the heroes that were in the fight.

I coughed, blood coming out of my mouth. "She's awake! She's awake!" A familiar voice yelled. It took me a second, but I didn't even notice someone sitting in the back corner. I looked towards the voice and saw Ochako sitting in the chair. She rushed over to me.

"W-where am I?" I weakly ask. "I'll explain later, let's get you healed up first." She said, running out of the room. She returned shortly after, an old lady following behind. "Ms. Shuzenji, can you please help her now that she's awake? She saved their lives. Please." Ochako pleaded.

The nurse sighed, looking at me. "Trust me, I don't want to do this either." She said, extending her lips and kissing my head. After holding it for a few seconds, she released it. "There, I did all I could do. The injuries are too severe for me to heal, but they aren't fatal. I was able to give her some more energy and at the very least, close the wounds to stop the bleeding completely." She told us.

"Thank you miss. Thank you for helping me." I said as she left the room. I turned my attention to Ochako again. "So, where am I?" I asked again. She sighed and smiled. "You're at our school's nurse's office. It was the closest place for us to try to save your life." She informed me to my surprise. "W-Why did you save my life? I'm nothing more than a good for nothing villain, while you're all the heroes whose goal is to stop us." I asked.

She just sat in the chair next to me and smiled before saying "Well, even if you did release All For One, you did fight against him. You saved Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki's life, while risking your own against your boss. And that fight, well, we'll never need to worry about him again." She said, winking. I gasp. "Y-you mean I..." My voice trailed off. "Yes, technically you killed him."

I tear up, knowing I killed my former boss. I felt good, but awful. That was a man we looked up to and idolized, and I killed him. But at the same time, he was trying to kill me and my friends. Ochako noticed me crying and hugged me tightly, but not too tight, knowing my injuries. I hug her back, holding her close. "Ochako...can you go get All Might and bring him here? I want to ask him something." I ask her. She pats my head. "Give me a minute."

She darts out of the room as I stare at everyone laying in the beds. Deku was right across from me and Twice was next to me. His mask was removed, but was in between us. It was torn up, but probably removed so he could breathe. Deku on the other hand was breathing, but it was very far and few inbetween. He was surviving, but barely.

About 15 minutes passed until Ochako returned, with All Might following her. She starts to leave again until I stop her. "Wait, don't go! Stay here, please..." I begged. She turned around and re-entered the room. "Young Toga. What do you need?" All Might asked, in a calm and friendly, but at the same time rude and demanding tone. I take a deep breath.

"I realized something when I was fighting All For One. That all I really care about is protecting those I care about. Twice, Shigaraki, Dabi. They're my friends, and I want to protect them at all costs. And the kindness Ochako and Tsuyu showed me to help comfort me as my friends were getting beaten up and laid motionless showed me there's two more people I care about, that I want to help protect. They opened something in me, and I want to improve. I want to be a better person..." I paused for a moment. "I want to become a hero. And I'll do whatever it takes to improve and become one to help those I care deeply about."

They both stood in silence, stunned by my confession. All Might came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. " I respect your efforts, and I salute you for your bravery, but you're still the reason that all this trouble happened. I'm sorry, but the answer is no. You just can't be trusted. Because of your bravery, you may stay here as you heal up, but once you've healed, we'll have to kick you out." He said with a sigh and a frown before getting up and leaving.

Ochako sat by my side in silence. About 15 minutes passed before she spoke up. "That took a lot of guts Toga." We looked at each other. "Truthfully, I believe you. I believe every word you said, and I thank you that you care so much about me. If I could help you, I would." She told me, a slight sparkle in her eye.

2 months have passed since the near death experience. I'm able to walk on my own, but my friends are still bedbound. I'm escorted out by Ochako and Tsuyu, as per my request. "I guess we could allow that simple request." All Might had said when I asked him this favor.

I gave them both a huge hug, which they returned. In the 2 months since we worked together, I grew close to them. I didn't want to leave them, and started crying. "Don't worry Toga. It'll be ok." Tsuyu said, reassuring me. I sniffled, before thinking of an idea. "Meet me back here in an hour. And bring All Might, but don't tell him why. Say you have a surprise." They tilted their heads before obliging.

I walked as fast as I could back to base without hurting myself. I knew an hour would be cutting it close, but I didn't want them to wait. It took about 35 minutes to make it back to the base. I hurried into my room, grabbed my hidden briefcase and its hidden key, and started going back to the school. I pushed myself harder, going faster and hurting myself in the process, but I made it just as the 3 of them walked outside.

"Don't hurt me!" I yelled to protect myself. I put the briefcase down and slid it towards them. "Catch!" I threw the key, which All Might easily caught. He bent down, picked up the briefcase, and opened it up. "I collected blood from heroes in our fights, and other random citizens. I told you before, I don't want to be a villain. I want to improve. I want to be a hero. But even if you still don't believe me, or let me be a hero, I refuse to be the villain anymore. And that, that briefcase is something only Twice and Dabi know about. Nobody else. And it's yours to dispose of. I don't want it anymore."

He scanned through the briefcase before closing it and locking it back up. He walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Come. I will see what I can do about rehabilitation and letting you in next semester." He said, grinning, causing me to do the same as we all walked back into the school.

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