Chapter 3: Realization Sinks In

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The small window in my room lets in some sun right into my eyes, forcing me to wake up. I turned my body, my eyes no longer in the sunlight to try falling back asleep, but I had no luck.

Stretching and yawning in my bed, I slowly sit up and stare right at my Deku poster, reliving last night and how magical it was. I chuckle. "I gave him my first kiss. And he didn't push away for a second, meaning he returned it." I think to myself, jumping out of bed and doing a small twirl.

Twice walks by my room and see the spin. "Morning Toga. I see you had a wonderful night's sleep." I chuckle as I start jumping up and down. "Hey Twice, is anyone coming?" I ask him. He looks down the hall both ways, shaking his head no. 

I pat my bed. "Sit, let me tell you all about it." I tell him. He claps, but quietly to make sure not to alert anyone. He enters and sits right where I patted. "So, this dream you had…did it involve that hero boy Deku confessing his love to you?" He says with a smart remark.

I chuckle. "Yeah, but that's not the only story I've got to tell. But I need you to swear on our friendship that you won't tell anyone." He crosses his heart. "I promise." He says, raising his hand.

I get up and close my door. I go under my bed and show him the collection of blood I have. "I have several spare vials in case of emergency, some of the heros. I used my last bit of the little cute frog girl to sneak into their school." I explained. 

"I got a little careless and left a replica of her outfit behind, but I hid it really well to protect myself! I thought I was in trouble after drinking her blood and turning into her, so I just hugged the wall. When I tried repositioning myself, I found out I could climb. I never was able to as her before." He seemed really surprised, and I hadn't even finished my story yet.

I smiled. "Knowing I could climb now like her, I scaled the building, looking for his room. When I found it, I got his attention, got in, and…did something you've always said was impossible." He got all giddy. 

"Toga…did you…" His thoughts trailed. I nodded. "Both answers in your head would be right. I kissed him. And I stole some blood." I hold up a slightly larger vial labeled Deku surrounded in hearts, before putting it back in the case and sliding it under my bed again. 

When I got up, he embraced me in a big hug. "Not just that…you can copy quirks too now." He said, with an evil, yet goofy grin.

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