Just Some Info For Readers

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Yeah, this is the little surprise I promised a month ago. I felt like writing again, but just wasn't quite ready on returning to "My Hero" so i created this. There is some things I want to make clear going into this book however:

There's light shipping in this story
This book primarily takes place in Toga's POV

This book also takes place in place of season 5, episode 21, so some spoilers based on that episode in chapters 2 and 3 of this book.

I will be editing the whole story myself, as well as making the cover, unlike "My Hero"

Speaking of "My Hero," this story will not be a part of that universe. If I decide to make any of it canon, I've decided that I'd rewrite it in another's character's POV. 

This story is also obviously not canon to MHA, and I don't own the rights to those characters *I felt the need to say it here because this is built more like an actual season.*

Lastly, as all Toga stories need, there will obviously be talk of blood and needles, so you have been warned

I really hope you enjoy the story, and I'm sorry for keeping everyone out of the loop. Thank you to those who checked in with me throughout that time of silence.


Toga's TakeoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora