Chapter 11: Phase 2, Activate

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1 month has passed since I got All For One's blood, so now was the perfect time to strike into phase 2. I got my All For One costume, while Twice and Dabi got ready to raid the prison. "Are you two all ready?" I ask, putting on the mask.

"Ready as I'll be." Twice responded. "Yeah yeah. I'm ready to blow some shit up." Dabi said pumped, setting his hands on fire, causing me and Twice to chuckle. He quickly extinguished them. "Shut up you two." He demanded, causing us to laugh more.

He sighed and opened the door to leave and walked out, me and Twice following behind. We walk about half a mile before splitting up, them heading right to go towards the prison, and me heading left away from the prison

The plan was to get everyone as far away from the prison as quickly as possible, so Dabi and Twice could free the real All For One while I pretended to be him and cause mischief and confusion.

I walked about another 3 miles in the shadows, now separated by about 7 miles away from the prison. "Well, this looks like a good spot" I thought to myself, bringing out the vial of All For One's blood. I took off my clothes, hidden from everyone, popped the vial open and started drinking it.

I started to transform into him, but this time it was pretty painful. Normally, transforming doesn't hurt, so why now? I groaned in pain, dropping to a knee, making me drop the costume. Before I knew it, while it was painful, it was over, and I transformed into our boss.

I looked at my hands to make sure and smiled before picking up the outfit and putting it on. "Perfect fit" I thought. I start to levitate into the air and position myself right above the city. In an instant, I shot a cannon of air into the street, causing it to crack and break.

"Oh, I just started, and I can already tell this is gonna be fun." I say, chuckling. "Hello mortals. I'm All For One, and I'm free at last." I say in his voice as people are running around, screaming. I shoot a few more blasts of air at the ground, blowing up parked cars.

I remember seeing him lift stuff with his mind once, so I wanted to try since it looked cool. I took a blown up car and started to use telekinesis on it. To my surprise, I was able to lift it up. I went down the row of cars on the street, smashing each one with the car I picked up, laughing.

Suddenly, I felt an explosion hit my back, knocking me forward a bit. I turned around and saw some heros, Deku included in the pack. I threw the car at the smaller, further away group to try and not hurt Deku. "I don't want to hurt him. Not in this form anyway." I thought.

I started firing a beam from my hand all over the ground as the heros were dodging, shooting me with fireballs, explosions, and cannonballs. I stopped firing with one of my hands and used it to cover up me yawning in boredom, before I felt something hit my head, sending me flying backwards.

I sit up and see Deku dancing back and forth. "Crap. I guess I don't have a choice." I stood up and multiplied my arms, getting ready to go toe to toe with the man of my dreams. We both threw a punch, colliding in the air. We both threw another, and another, constantly blocking each other's strikes before I threw an overhead shot as well, sending him head first into the ground. I threw another double punch at him, sending him into the air. Chuckling, I follow him, jumping into the air and backhanding him into his group.

Suddenly, I see a blue fireball in the air. "There's my cue." I float to the ground and chuckle. "Well well well. You heros are weak and pathetic. Run home and don't try me again." I put my hands behind my back and walk away into the shadows. I rush back to where I left my other clothes, but before I could reach, I transform back into myself, doubling over in pain again which isn't normal.

After a minute, I got my composure again and walked the rest of the way to my clothes. I quickly got changed and ran back to where we split away from each other.

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