Chapter 17: The Possibility of an Ultimate Sacrifice

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They ran up to me, placing one hand on each shoulder and holding my arms with their other hand. "Toga, are you really going to fight him?" Ochako asked, concerned. I nodded, knowing exactly what I'd be getting myself into. 

"No offense, but we knew you were crazy, just not insane. That'll put you just like your friends, even with Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugo helping you. It might even end worse, and we won't stand by and watch you die." Tsuyu said, holding on to me tighter. 

I fight to shake them off, struggling to do so. "Just, listen to me, for a second." I say, grunting. They loosen their grip, but not release it. I sigh. "I have a spare vial of his blood. I'm going to get it, drink it, and use his powers to stop him, or at the very least, help slow him."

They let go and slowly back off. "Are you sure you want to do this?" They questioned, worried. "I'll be fine, just take care of my friends for me, ok? And if something happens, remember the message." They ran back up to me and hugged me tightly again, but only briefly. 

"Toga, you're acting like a real hero right now." Tsuyu informed me, causing me to smile and slightly chuckle. "Yeah, yeah you're right. I'm acting like a hero right now...thank you. You two are the only people willing to look past my flaws enough to comfort me right now. No other hero would even consider that. I might be acting like a hero, but at heart, I'm a villain, and you still continue to do everything you can to comfort me…you two are going to have a bright future ahead of you." I confess, embracing the quick, but deep hug. 

I let go of them and thanked them one more time before running back the way we came, then making a diangular cut through the forest to get back to base with little chance of running into the fight.

Toga's TakeoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon