Chapter 8: The Prison Part 1

Start from the beginning

Jayden rolled her eyes and began walking into the forest. Tony ran a few steps ahead Glenn caught up to Jayden on foot.

"So, you know I got to ask." He said.

"Ask what Glenn?" Jayden said sarcastically.

"Why did you do it. Leave without saying goodbye. Why did you leave at all after we just found each other!" Glenn's voice got louder with every word.

Jayden stopped walking, her mind racing to find the right words. She blew out a breath and turned to him. He eyes were big and filled with sadness and anger.

"Glenn you don't understand. I couldn't stay. Not after what happened with Rick. I relived a lot of awful things in those few fever days. I needed to be alone. I found my escape, but my hunt isn't over. Not until I find Gibbs. He's out there I know he is." Jayden said.

"Isn't there a chance that Gibbs isn't even alive? I mean his team was stationed states away. How do you even know him?" Glenn asked

"Gibbs took me in after my parents died Glenn. I was a stupid kid who made bad decisions with bad people. He took me in at 15 raised me. He inspired me to become a Marine. He is family. Tony, Zeva, Tim, Abby they are all my family!" Jayden pivoted on her foot and continued to walk.

"Are we not family? Is Hershel, Maggie and Beth are they not family too?" Glenn's question stopped Jayden in her tracks. She immediately turned around and walk towards him. Once in front of him she stopped and pulled him into a hug.

"Of course you're my family." Jayden whispered.


Rick and Daryl pushed through the woods silently. Rick was thankful for the distraction. Lori's due date was coming up and the tension between them was at it's peak. He was more worried about finding a place to settle down. They couldn't be on the road with a baby, it would be to dangerous. Daryl was more quiet than usual, before the incident at the farm he was very outspoken and didn't hold back from saying what he wanted.

It wasn't until our first day at Jayden's house were he seemed to go mute with his words. Not saying how he feels and bottling it all up. Rick understood, Daryl didn't have the best life and loosing Merle didn't necessarily help.

"So what do you think about having Jayden back?" Rick asked.

Daryl just shrugged his shoulders and grunted. Rick knew that Daryl was keeping something from him. Ever since Shane died, Daryl has become his number 2.

"Come on Daryl I know you have some thoughts on it." Rick stopped walking and put his hands on his hips.

"It's whatever. She has some skill... good for the group at least." Daryl was looking anywhere but Rick. He didn't understand this girl but something about her intrigued him. She was strong, stronger than most and she didn't like to show any weakness or emotion. Reminded him of himself really.

"Look I know her and I didn't start out on the right foot but I'm trying. For Glenn and Hershel's sake I am trying. But I gotta tell you if we find somewhere to settle. She's going to have to be separated from the group and someone is going to have to be on watch for her. I can't risk anyone's life." Rick stated.

Daryl turned to look at him, anger trying to build up through his eyes.

"So after all that talk you wan - treat her like a prisoner. Lock her away from everyone and put a guard on her. What the hell man." Daryl shoot his head.

"She doesn't even trust herself to be around us how can I trust her. There is no way of knowing what will happen. And I'm not treating her like a prisoner that isn't even remotely what I meant." Rick argued back.

"It don't matter what you meant. Doin that shit to her ain't right." Daryl stalked off and Rick rubbed his face before following.

When they reached the edge of the forest, Daryl halted and hid behind a tree. Rick followed in suit wondering what was happening.

Daryl saw Tony sprint through the tree line beside some train tracks and Glenn appeared soon after. Rick relaxed but Daryl knew something was off. Why would Tony be with Glenn? Where is Jay?

Daryl stood up scanning the area.

"Looking for something?" A voice from behind said.

Rick spun around pulling his python from his belt and aiming it at the voice. Daryl turned around and saw Jayden standing there with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face.

Rick breathed a sigh of relief before holstering his gun.

"How the hell did you get behind us?" He asked.

"Well I was basically a spy for the CIA so I would hope I could move about unnoticed." Jayden looked at Daryl who hinted a smile.

"Hey guys come check this out." Glenn shouted.

The trio made their way over to the train tracks and looked to where Glenn was pointing.

There in the distance stood a massive prison. It's yard full of walkers and yet the entire fence was still intact. Daryl and Rick looked at each other and nodded. Jayden noticed this and was very confused on what was happening.

"Um hello... care to share you telekinesis thoughts with the group?" Jayden put her fingers to her head and yelled sarcastically.

"I think we found a place to call home." Rick smiled.


Hey Y'all! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Since it is winter break I am gonna try to update more often. I am totally stumped on how I want Daryl and Jays relationship to develop. I don't know if it should be quick or not so here are some thought. Do we want them to show outright feelings for eachother before or after he "leaves" with Merle? Let me know! Hopee you guys enjoy the Holidays!

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