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~Cafeteria, 8 am~

"Where is Elise?" Gilly asks as she sits down with her tray.

"Sick." Mara says without looking up from her phone.

"So is Sheena, Maxine and Jack." Jax added saying Jack's name almost cheerfully.

"Oh..." Gilly says worriedly.

"Why did you wanna know?" Jocelyn wonders.

Gilly shrugs "I was just hoping that she wasn't because so many people are sick."

Mara sighs and nods.

Kayla looks over at ollie a glares at him "That's your 7th patty cake!!" She says.

Ollie looks up at her inocently as he stuffs the rest in his mouth "10th actually I had 3 more when you weren't looking." He says meekly with a mouthful of patty cake.

Mara laughed and says "Ollie sometimes you're too truthful. That info really isn't helping your case."

AG walks into the cafeteria and sits down next to jocelyn.

"What's up?" AG asks everyone.

"Elise, Maxine, Sheena and Jack are sick, Ollie has had 10 patty cakes and Mara is trying to come up with inspo for her writing." Jocelyn says blankly.

AG nods because when your in a friend group with weird people then they're going to do weird things she's found.

Mara sigh. "Nothing." She says turning her phone off and putting it on the table. "I have such bad writer's block!"

Jax pats Mara's shoulder to try and comfort her.
It didn't really work.

Gilly sits up and says "Hey let's go visit everyone who's sick! We can bring them some treats or something!"

Jocelyn makes a face "I'd rather NOT get sick" she says.

Kayla bits her lip "I have to agree with Jocelyn. I don't wanna be sick!" She says nervously.

Mara rolls her eyes "Please y'all have faced Villains I'm sure that gurms are very far down on the list of things you're scared of or don't wanna happen." And then adds before anyone can interrupt "And don't say you don't have one because I know all of you do. Also if you are that nervous that you're going to get sick then you can wear a mask."

~In Mara's kitchen, 8:30 am~

Mara is on her knees on the counter top searching for something in the cabinet.

"Where is it..." Mara mumbles under her breath as she moves things around.

"Here we go!!" She proclaims as she pulls out of the cabinet a bag of flour, a bag of sugar, and a bag of brown sugar.

Mara gives it all to Jax who puts it on the counter next to where Mara is.

Mara also takes out salt, baking soda, and vanilla extract before jumping down from the counter.

"Ok let's see," Mara opens the fringe and takes out the butter and eggs and puts then on the counter.

Everyone watches in silence as Mara starts baking.

Mara gets her stand-mixer out and plugs it in before putting in the flour, sugar, brown sugar, salt, and baking soda.

She turns the mixer on and watches and it blends the ingredients together.

Mara turns it off and then adds the vanilla, eggs and then the butter.

When the mixer is turned on again all of the ingredients quickly form dough.

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