Protective Jax

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So uhh I found a cannon that was like a bunch of protective Jax ideas but I can't find it any more so we're just going to have to do this from memory. *cough* says the girl who woke up this morning and dismissed the alarm for 5:55 when she was supposed to wake up and woke up at 6:55 instead which is 20 minutes before the bus comes *cough* (to hear the full of what happened check my book life tales)

But that's not the point the point is that I haven't updated this book for god knows how long heh 😅 so here u go!

Oh! Before u read the story I just want to tell y'all that in this story Anna is nice and every one trusts her now! She also knows a lot abt the Ftrs crews secret relationships. *wink, wink* (that may or may not be a hint 😉)

Gilly and Jax are sitting in the library studying for there next test. Jack walks in and sits across from Gilly. 

He smirks at Gilly and Gilly not knowing what to do just smiles back. Jack says "whatcha doing?" 

Gilly responds "Just studying for the test" Jack raises an eyebrow and says "you study?" Gilly shrugs "not normally but this is a hard test." 

"So Jax told u you have to study." Jack asks and Gilly just shrugs because jack doesn't know. Actually when she think about it only raz, anna and Mara know!

Jax seeing the whole thing grabs Gilly's hand with his free hand. Gilly is surprised and looks down at her hand which is now interlocked with Jax's. 

She sneaks a look at Jax's face but its unreadable expect for the little bit of blush forming on his cheeks.

She smiles slightly. Jack sees there hands and glares at Jax before going back to his book.

Gilly some how feels like Jax is claiming her in those minutes and she becomes more sure about that theory when Jax begans doing when ever Jack is around.

Mara, Raz and Anna are the only ones who ever notice and when ever it happens they smile or all three of them share a secret look at each other obviously saying something with out saying it. 

The others see this look and always ask about it but they never get a straight forward answer so then there is lots of trying not to laugh from either the other princesses, Jax or Gilly and when she's there Elise (my character for Royal Academy rebels. For more info abt her I'm going to be doing a part on who all the characters are; mine and Jen calonitas!) 

Well that's all for this part imma do a part 2 of this I just don't feel like doing it on the same part heh. Anyway hope u liked it!!


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