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        A knock came from the door of Gilly and Maxine's dorm where all the girls where hanging out.

 Gilly stood up and walked over to the door. She opened it to reveal Elise. 

Elise's eyes scanned the room before she said "Mara's not here yet, right?"

 Gilly gave her a look "No, why?"

 Elise relaxed before grinning and saying, "I have a surprise for her!" 


Mara walked up the steps to Gilly and Maxine's dorm. "Why" inhale "Does" exhale "there" inhale "have" exhale "to be" inhale "so many" exhale "STAIRS!" she shouted to anyone that would listen. 

Which was no one because there wasn't anyone in the stairwell. 

When she finally got to Gilly and Maxine's dorm she was so out of breath that she had to stop on the stair and take a break. 

Normally she would have just teleported but Elise had said that she had to walk. 

Plus she was basically grounded by Flora and she wasn't exactly supposed to be using magic- but when had rules ever stopped her?

Mara knocked on the dorm room door and waited. She heard lots of whispering in the room but was only able to hear some of it.

"Is that her?"


"Shut up!" 



 Before she could hear anymore they door opened to reveal a girl who looked about a little older than six. 

"Are you Mara?" She asked. Mara opened her mouth but couldn't form the words. 

"Y-yes?" she managed to force out even though it sounded more like a question. All of a sudden the small girl hugged Mara. 

Mara mouth opened and then closed before hugging the girl back. Still hugging the girl she gave her friends a questioning look. 

They were all grinning like fools. 'Talk to her' Gilly mouthed. 

Mara glupped before pulling away and asking, "who is your family?" The girl looked up at her and said

"They died." 

The sentence was so simple. So short that it could hardly be considered a full sentence. But none the less, images and memories flooded Mara's head as soon as the words left the girl's mouth. 

A fire.

 Her parents and siblings in the house. 

Little Mara being only 5 but still the oldest watching from the street as the police and fireman when inside the burning house and came out with no one. 

Mara failed to keep tears from rolling down her cheeks. The girl hugged her again.

 Mara smiled before wiping her tears and asking the girl "What's your name?" The girl looks at her and shrugs. 

"Can't remember. My parents used to say it but I can't remember what it was. People in town just call me 'little girl'. And sometimes more rude things." 

Mara looks at the small girl. Her chestnut hair is down to her shoulders and her eyes a bright green. 

An image of a girl not too different than the one in front of her appears in her mind. 

Her name was Sheena. She was only 4 when she died in the fire. Mara smiles and replies "What about Sheena for your name." 

The girls eyes widen "Yes!" she squeals.

 Mara hears another squeal and looks up. That's when she remembers that all her friends are still there.

 Maxine, Kayla, AG, and Anna are all looking at her and beaming while Gilly, Elise and Jocelyn are sharing a look as if they planned the whole thing. Which Mara realizes, wouldn't be a very far stretch.

 "Well Sheena," Elise says. "Welcome to the Fairy tale reform school family!" 


Jax, Jack, and Ollie walk up the stairs to Gilly and Maxine's dorm. "What do they mean meet someone?" Ollie is complaining.

"We already have-" Ollie pauses and starts counting something on his fingers. "Like 12 people that are part of our crew! Who else do we need!"

 Jax had to admit he agreed with Ollie but none the less when Elise tells yo to do something you do it without question. 

Jack groaned. "You'd think that for the girls they'd make less stairs but I'm pretty sure this tower has even more stairs than the boys dorm does!" Ollie nodded in agreement. 

"Come on if we're late then I wouldn't surprised if Elise had Jocelyn and Mara curse us!" Jax said, and started walking faster up the stairs. The others followed suit. 

When they reached Gilly and Maxine's dorm, Jax knocked and a very happy looking Elise opened it. Maybe they weren't going to get cursed after all.

 "Come on don't just stand there!" She said pulling Jax and Ollie by the wrist before glaring at Jack until he came into the room. 

Its so crowded in the room that every one can hardly fit. "Hold on, lemme just..." Jocelyn says and then a cloud of purple mist falls over the room and they're teleported to the library.

 Ollie glared daggers at her. 

"What!" Jocelyn said looking annoyed. 

"You made us walk all the way to Gilly and Maxine's dorm just to teleport us all here!" Ollie screeched. 

"Yes" Elise says "But that's not important!" She adds before Ollie can interrupt her. "What's important is that we want you to meet someone!" 

All of the boys look at her before Jax asks, "Who?"

 Elise turns around and looks pointedly at Mara. Mara turns her head slightly to look at something behind her. 

Not something, Jax realizes, someone! A girl who looks about six with chestnut brown hair pokes her head out from behind Mara. 

"Oh no." Jack says and Mara looks as if she's about to chop his head off.

 "Come on out Sheena, they won't hurt you," Elise says and then adds under her breath "even if they are annoying as heck sometimes." 

"Hey!" Ollie said and Sheena laughed and came out from behind Mara.

"Meet Sheena!" Kayla proclaimed, looking at the boys before turning to Sheena and saying, "Sheena meet Jax, Jack, and Ollie!" Kayla pointed to each of them in turn. 

They all spend the rest of their afternoon together sharing things about themselves and showing Sheena around FTRS.

At one point Sheena was looking at Gilly and Jax who where standing next to each other in the lobby when their tour had ended. 

Sheena pointed at them and said to Mara and Anna. "Those two are dating aren't they?" And then pointed to Kayla and Ollie "And so are they! But no one know except you guys and a few others right?"

Mara and Anna stood there gaping at her before Anna puts a hand on Mara's shoulder and says, "I didn't know I could be so proud of a 6 year old!" 

 Mara starts laughing and thinks to herself, 'This child might be the smartest 6 year old in the land.'

Credits to @K1415100 for editing for me!! (and trust me there was a lot of thing that where incorrect XD)

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