10: Regret and Revenge

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Unfortunately for the pair, Wednesday and Enid had to wait until the end of their afternoon lessons, a matter which seemed to drag on for at least double the time they were actually in there.  After they were finally released Wednesday hastily rushed Enid towards their dorm.  Hearing rushed footsteps behind her, the Addams turned her head and saw Ajax, quickly trying to catch up to them.

"Wednesday..  Enid.. it's Xavier.. he's planned something and I don't wanna be part of it anymore"

"Give me one reason to trust you"

Wednesday seemed her usual cynical self, which strangely reassured her lover.

"I used to love Enid just as you do now.... Even if we aren't a thing anymore I still don't want to see her hurt"

"Fine.  What is Xavier planning"

"He intends to surprise you guys when you leave morning lessons for lunch tomorrow. He wants to try and knock Enid unconscious before kidnapping you Wednesday. Be. Careful."

"If what you are saying is true Ajax, thank you. If it is not, then I will make sure you are never able to speak again"

"Ok.. I guess.. I'll see you around"

Ajax turned away and the couple quickly ran up to their room. Once they had safely closed the door behind themselves and locked it Enid was the one to ask:

"Can we leave this until the morning.. I just wanna cuddle and maybe make out"

"Of course my love, so long as you don't look at what I do to deal with it in the morning"

"We shall see but thank you so so so much Wednesday"

Enid pulled her partner into a tight hug, never wanting to release her. Without breaking away she asked

"Can we watch one of my movies wends?

"Of course we can"

The couple went and laid down together on the pastel pink bed, surrounded by stuffed animals.  Enid grabbed her laptop from her desk and sat it half oh her knee and half on Wednesdays, with a movie of her choice showing. Wednesday put her arm around Enid and pulled her close, much to Enid's enjoyment. As the movie played out the two slowly slid further under the covers until Wednesday seemed as though she was going to fall asleep.

"Enid.. would you mind if I slept here tonight"

"Not at all, make yourself comfortable"

Wednesday curled up in a ball next to her partner and slowly felt herself drift off to sleep, her arms around Enid's waist and her head thoroughly buried in the vanilla smell of her pillows.  Upon seeing her sleeping girlfriend Enid could only dream of joining her in slumber and quickly drifted off herself.

As morning came Enid awoke to wends already dressed, preparing something on her desk. 

"Morning Enid"

Wednesday could hear her usual morning groans so decided to at least greet her from her sleep.

"What are you doing wends"

"Preparing our friend Xavier a little surprise"

Enid got up, satisfied with her partners response and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the likely chaotic day ahead. 

"You ready Wednesday?"

"Almost, I need a minute to finish this"

Enid slowly walked over to her roommates desk, hoping to see what she was creating.  As Enid grew closer Wednesday turned around

"And I'm ready, let's go"

The pair left their dorm as they always did, hand in hand, ready for what was to come.

Throughout the morning nothing seemed different, aside from the lack of Xavier, an immediate giveaway that something was up. Internally monologuing to herself, Wednesday thought 'Maybe Ajax was right.. that's why I have a plan after all'.

Leaving their morning lessons Wednesday kept one hand in her pocket at all times, constantly on high alert looking for any trouble that might come their way. Turning a corner Wednesday heard a voice behind her.

"Step aside Wednesday. This might get messy."

"As if I'll let you touch her"

"Who says I want her.. I only want you Wednesday. I just need to get her out of the way"

Throughout this Enid only tightened her grip on Wednesdays hand, showing her girlfriend her true strength. This time it was enid to defend

"You will never have her. Ever."

Without any hesitation Xavier pulled a short blade from the inside of his jacket.  Not showing any hint of a bluff he asked

"What about now"

Before Enid could respond Wednesday made a swift motion towards his legs with her foot, easily knocking him to the ground.

"No more talking.  You don't deserve to be heard."

As Xavier rose from the ground he felt a fist connect with his jaw, only further provoking him.  As he went for a lunge with his weapon, Wednesday pulled from her pocket a small, DIY explosive, a trick she had learned from her Uncle Fester.  She  dodged out of the way of Xavier's  blade before stabbing her opponent in the upper arm, with a needle.

"What do you expect that to do"

Xavier asked, stunned.


Wednesday smirked for a second before pulling Enid to the ground and pressing a button in her pocket.  With a loud bang smoke covered the area.  When the black fog cleared, Wednesday could see Xavier, slumped on the ground with a chunk missing from his shoulder where she had placed the explosive.

Watching on from a distance, Ajax had seen all of this unfold.  He cautiously walked up and congratulated Wednesday and Enid before asking if he could stone Xavier, which of course, the couple allowed.  Ajax then offered to explain it all to the principal and that the two should go rest up in their dormitory.  Knowing what would likely happen if left alone together the duo happily accepted Ajax's offer and quickly moved off back to their dormitory. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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