8: Unreciprocated Force

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Wednesday woke to the rare sound of a notification on her phone, something she normally has on mute. Reluctantly she picks up the handheld device and checks who wanted to talk to her. Looking down at the screen she saw:

Xavier: can I please speak to you at lunch
Xavier: it'll only be a minute

Wednesday felt her stomach churn at the idea but decided to consult Enid on the matter.

"Hey Enid, you awake over there?"

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"Xavier wants me to go speak to him at lunch, do I go"

"Why not, try and find out how you can make him leave you alone"

Wednesday agreed with Enid's idea and put down her phone to get ready. While she was getting changed she once again felt Enid gazing upon her pale body with a lustful look in her eyes.

"Not now Enid, you can have it later"

Enid frowned at her partner before turning away to finish getting ready for their day. Wednesday could already feel an abnormal amount of nerves creeping through her body, a feeling that would only grow throughout the morning.

As with the day prior, the couple tightly grasped each other's hands as they walked out to their first lesson. Time seemed to pass very slowly for Wednesday, an unusual occurrence seeing as she was with Enid, she rightfully blamed this on her ever growing nerves for seeing Xavier.  As the two sat through morning lessons, Wednesday couldn't get "what if"s off her mind, which consumed her focus.

As lunch slowly came around Wednesday told Enid that she would be back ASAP to keep talking about Yoko's ever-failing love life.

Almost instantly after leaving Enid's side Xavier was in front of Wednesday, as if he was a vulture that had been waiting to strike. Wednesday quickly got to the point:

"What do you want from me and why should I care. You have 30 seconds."

"Well I wanted to see if you had reconsidered my prior offer, as I think that you're an amazing person, if a little homicidal, who deserves a good enough lover."

"I think you'll find that I have a good enough lover, who gave me the best night of my life last night. And if it helps you leave me alone, I'm not into guys either."

"Well maybe you should let me give you a better night"

"I doubt you could, even if I was stupid enough to let you try"

"Fuck you Wednesday. No-one will ever truly love you. You have nothing to love. No body. No personality. No social life."

As Wednesday turned to walk away Xavier's insults only became harsher, turning to homophobic slurs to get his point across. With the use of the harsher language Wednesday quickly sped up her walking pace to get back to Enid sooner, with a rare tear in the corner of her eye.  As Wednesday approached Enid, she tried composing herself but couldn't overcome the wave of emotion that Xavier had set in motion.  The Addams didn't even say a word to her partner before wrapping her arms around her and burying her head into her shoulder.  As Enid held Wednesday in her arms she slowly started to feel a wet patch forming in her shoulder under Wednesdays eyes.

"Hey Wends, are you crying?"

Wednesday didn't respond, which told Enid all she needed to know.  The normally upbeat girl took on a more serious tone and started to walk Wednesday back to their dorm, telling Yoko that they would speak again later.

As they got into their dorm, Wednesday finally stopped crying and started to open up to Enid about what had happened in her encounter with Xavier.  Wednesday listed off all the insults he said, all the homophobic language he used and all the disgusting things he said.  In response to this Enid took a second to formulate her response.

"In summary Wednesday Addams, I love you, more than anyone else ever could.  Xavier knows nothing about you or me or us.  And if it helps, it's pretty common knowledge that he is the oldest virgin in the academy."

That last sentence finally put a slight smile onto Wednesdays face for the first time all day. 

"Not only that, but you have an amazing body, which I will be getting my hands on tonight, as per our agreement.  You have an amazing personality, when you actually show it to someone, and who needs a massive group of friends when you have two or three really good ones."

"Thanks Enid, I look forward to tonight"

"One more thing before we go to lessons, if you ever feel like that again, I'm always happy to talk, it's part of the whole girlfriend thing."

"I'm happy to talk if you need it to, even if I don't seem the most in touch with my emotions"

Wednesday leant in to kiss Enid, grabbing at her waist as her adversary started to lean in too.  Their lips met for a brief second before they heard the large clock on campus chiming to tell them they needed to move on to their lessons.

"I guess that will have to wait another few hours"

"Sadly, you're right again Wends"

The two left their dorm far happier than when they went in, once again walking hand in hand to their next boring hours of lessons.

As they got seated in their final 2 hour lesson the girls made sure to be sat with Yoko to fill a three-person desk in order to make it even harder for Xavier to get close to Wednesday.  Throughout the course of their hours together Enid and her accompanying girlfriend made sure to fill Yoko in on their latest reason to dislike Xavier, a trend that was quickly spreading through the female half of the school as he gained a reputation for trying to force himself of people.  Unfortunately for the terrible trio this discussion could only last so long, so they ended up spending almost 45 minutes sat in silence, until Enid started to talk about halloween, which was approaching at the weekend. 

This discussion took them onto the subject of the party which Yoko was hosting, of course they were both invited but Yoko knew Wednesdays relationship with people and decided that she would keep the numbers low to try and get her to come with Enid.  Surprisingly, Wednesday agreed to go, and said she would happily join Enid there.  As the three girls started to discuss what would take place on the night the clock once again chimed, signalling that the lesson was finally over.

Enid wasted no time in dragging Wednesday up to their dorm in order to fulfil her promise from earlier. 

"Wednesday, I believe it is your turn to receive"

"I do believe it is, go ahead Enid. I'm all yours"

<sorry for the cliffhanger guys, I promise it'll be good when we get to it>

<Also, this is my first time time really writing anything this long, so any feedback or recommendations would be appreciated>

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