6: Caught

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The sun had risen long before the newfound couple would wake, but when they did Wednesday had some business she wanted to finish.

"Wake up Enid. You said we could continue whatever we started last night, today."

Enid opened her eyes to see Wednesday sat on her stomach, she let a small smile creep over her face before pulling Wednesday down into her. The two locked lips, whilst she kept Enid's mouth occupied, Wednesday started to explore with her hands. She felt overcome by an urge she had never felt before. She wanted to touch Enid all over. Wednesday was suddenly regretting not acting on her feelings sooner.

As the Addams' hands worked their way to Enid's chest she broke off the kiss.

"Are you ok with this"

Wednesday sounded nervous for once, something practically no one ever heard.

"Of course I am, I've dreamt about this ever since I first kissed you"

Without further word, Wednesday slid her hand up Enid's shirt and slowly started to tease Enid. She started at her stomach, and painfully slowly worked her way upwards.  Upon reaching the base of her partners bra Wednesday gave a frustrated grunt.

"Take it off." 

Wednesday suddenly took on a commanding tone.  Enid was surprised by this sudden change in character but quickly followed her orders with a playful grin on her face. 

Wednesdays jaw dropped when Enid obeyed without question.  She knew Enid was beautiful but she had never quite realised how much she adored Enid's body.  Wednesday replaced her hands on Enid's stomach and started her agonising climb again. 

This time, Wednesday never reached an obstacle.  Her hands were free to caress Enid's body as she wished.  She started to tease her body with a single finger at first, working her way from the edge inward in a slow spiral dance.  Enid could only watch on in pleasure as Wednesday made her feel things she'd never dreamt of feeling. 

"Please Wednesday, I need more"

Wednesday silently cupped Enid's breast in the palm of her hand and used her fingers to glide across her smooth skin and explore her features, deliberately avoiding her nipple.

Enid moaned out in pleasure again, she asked for more and Wednesday gave.  Only now Wednesday stopped holding back and started to pinch and feel Enid's untouched and unseen nipples.  This only lead to more moans of joy from her, much to Wednesdays amusement. Only suddenly:

There was a knock at the door.
Enid pulled Wednesday hard on top of her to try and cover her lack of clothes.
The handle clicked and twisted.
The hinges creaked.

Both girls mistakenly Turned to look at who dared interrupt them.

"Hey guys I don't know how awake you are but it's past 12 and people are-"

Yoko walked out as soon as she walked in

"Sorry lovebirds, I had no idea  Enid's plan actually worked.  I'll leave you guys to sort yourselves out"

After seeing Yoko, Wednesday tried to get them back into it but neither girl could manage to enjoy it anymore.

"I'd hate to leave you halfway done, but I don't think we're enjoying this anymore, and by the sounds of it we should probably go to afternoon lessons"

"I hate to admit it but you're right. You owe me the end of that later though."

Enid gave Wednesday a smirk and looked at her through her eyebrows as the Addams climbed off her partner. As the two got changed quickly for the day, Enid couldn't help but to cast a quick glance over to Wednesday. Enid felt her breathing stop for a second as she thought to herself 'She's so attractive, how did I manage to get her, I don't deserve her'
As Enid looked on for longer, Wednesday started to notice her staring.

"Uh Enid.. I can see you"

"Sorry wends, you just look so good"

"What did you just call me"


"And what did I say about calling me that"

"Sorry, I thought you might have changed your mind now that we're a thing"

"I'll think about it, just for you. And stop staring, do you want to make it to class on time or not"

Enid looked away and finally started to get ready for what she thought would be a particularly long afternoon. 

"It's time we left, come on Enid."

As Enid joined Wednesday at the door to their dorm she felt her hand being grasped by her accomplice. Enid looked over in a mixture of surprise and joy, only to see Wednesday subtly smile back at her.  Internally Enid's jaw dropped at the sight as Wednesday started to walk with her toward their next lesson. 

As they arrived Yoko couldn't help but try and catch the eye of at least one of the girls, forcing them to look away in embarrassment and take up a desk together far away from their silent tormentor.  Next to Wednesday there was an empty seat, which was quick to be filled by Xavier Thorpe, a boy who had previously taken an unreciprocated interest in the Addams. 

"Hey Wednesday"


"Oh come on, you don't have to be so rude"

"To put it bluntly, Xavier, I have no interest in speaking to you and likely never will out of my own accord

Xavier looked away offended as Wednesday started to speak to Enid about something he couldn't care less about. Not much longer into the lesson Wednesday heard a familiar male voice speaking her name.

"What do you want Xavier."

"I only wanted to speak to you"

"If it makes you shut up then go ahead"

"Well Wends, I was wondering if-"

Wednesday felt a familiar hand in her thigh, she briefly looked over at Enid to see a grin plastered over her face.

"-if you wanted to go meet up sometime in Jericho or something"

Wednesday felt Enid's grip tighten and move up her leg.

"I'd rather dye my hair pink"

Wednesday used an aggressive tone and turned her head away from Xavier as she spoke. Enid quickly picked up conversation with her again and didn't give Xavier another chance to get any words in for the entire remainder of that lesson.

In their final lesson of the day Wednesday and Enid we're finally joined by an awkward Yoko, who went straight in with an apology about walking in on them. 

"Yoko, listen to us, it's ok, you had no way of knowing"

Wednesday added to Enid's sentiment a more pessimistic view of the situation.

"At least you knocked, you would be far more scarred if you didn't."

The pair continued to playfully tease and remind Yoko of her mishap with them earlier that morning, before forcing her to listen to their flirting and then their planning for what they would do when they got in. 

After that final lesson the trio set off to dinner together as the sun was starting to set.

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