3: Girls Night In

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Still recovering from the events of the early morning Wednesday mostly spent the first part of the day alone, wanting some form of seclusion from Enid. On the other hand Enid couldn't seem to stop talking about it to people as though it was her greatest ever achievement. Despite her perceived pride in her actions it didn't take long for Enid to secretly start to miss Wednesdays presence. Even though Enid tried to hide her disappointment it still showed through and by the time lunch had rolled around Yoko had become suspicious.

"Enid, is something bothering you? You don't seem yourself"

"Don't tell anyone I said this but a pretty big part of me really misses something about Wednesday. I need to find a way to make things up with her."

"Ok let me suggest a few things, you could go into Jericho together and go to the Weathervane"

"Nah, not after what happened with her and Tyler last year"

"You could spend some time together in the dorm doing something you both enjoy'

"Maybe, what would you recommend we do?"

"I don't know.. Just watch a movie or something"

"Thanks Yoko, I'll give it a go"

For the rest of her free time that afternoon Enid sat on her phone in almost silence, a feat thought to be impossible by most. When Yoko occasionally leant over she caught sight of various movie names and snacks and most strangely web pages with titles along the lines of 'How to tell if someone is into me'. It was clear to Yoko that Enid was interested in someone but she couldn't tell who yet. She joined Enid in sitting in silence, only Yoko was puzzling over who Enid could be crushing on.

Somewhere on the other side of the academy, Wednesday was starting to wish she didn't act so irrationally.

"I know I can change this and go and speak to her Thing."

Thing waved his fingers through the air to sign to Wednesday.

"Because it would be a bit awkward.  And I don't do that kind of thing."

Wednesday sat with her head in her hands, feeling a tinge of regret.  Thing crawled onto her hand in an unsuccessful attempt to comfort the Addams.  Wednesday continued to sit in silence until she started to notice a red tint come across the sky as the sun began to set. 

"We should head back, I'll have to face Enid eventually."

Standing up, Wednesday started her walk back to the her dorm and her impending fate. For once she actually showed nerves, her hands were shaking and her breathing wasn't it's usual rhythmic self. Climbing the stairs up to their room Wednesday could feel the shaking becoming more erratic and her breathing more unpredictable. Opening the door she was met with a semi-familiar sight. It was the same room but with a white sheer hanging from the beams in the roof near to Enid's bed.

"Hi wends!" Enid shouted to her from across the room.

"Never call me that again." Wednesdays tone was rough but not as assertive as usual.

"Ok, if that's what you want from me.  Also, I was thinking that tonight we could watch a movie or something, to make it up to you after this morning"

"I'll consider it, but only if you make it a horror movie"

"Ok, but I apologise now for hiding behind something the whole time"

Wednesday let a small smile creep into the corner of her mouth at the idea of Enid's terror.  Sat at her desk, the Addams spent the remainder of her evening typing away, whilst Enid finalised her plan. 

As total darkness fell, Wednesday was still typing when suddenly the lights cut off.  Turning around she saw Enid leaning against the wall by the switch.  "I suppose you want me to come and watch this movie with you" Wednesday spoke.  Her assumptions were confirmed by an excited nod from Enid.  The duo sat on Enid's bed which killed some of the atmosphere with its bright pinks and yellows and blues, far from what Wednesday was comfortable with, but she endured it for Enid's sake.  Once the two were comfortable, Enid wasted no time to introduce the movie as one of five titled 'Scream'. 

Before the opening credits had even had a chance to finish Enid was hiding behind a pillow and Wednesday was sat with her usual straight face.  Internally, Wednesday found Enid's fear somewhat cute, but of course she was never going to tell that to Enid. 

As things progressed and the movie began to reach its climax there was more than one occasion where Enid jumped behind Wednesday, causing the Addams to break out into an uncharacteristic grin.  The next time Enid found herself scared, things weren't quite just that.  As the main character confronts the killer, Enid jumped behind Wednesday with an unusual energy and tightly wraps her arms around Wednesdays waist.  After holding on for long enough for Wednesdays face to start going red Enid remembers the Addams' distaste for physical touch and promptly releases her from her grasp. 

"I'm so sorry Wednesday I totally forgot in my scaredy-ness. I understand if you don't want to finish this with me now."

"It's fine, I don't think I minded it too much, weirdly"

As the two turned their attention back to 'Scream' Wednesday shuffled slightly closer to Enid and placed a comforting arm around her waist.  Enid totally not expecting this kind of move went bright red in the face and looked away from Wednesday to compose herself.  Once she had regained control over her body Enid matched Wednesdays gesture and placed her own arm around Wednesday, her mind now totally off the movie.  Enid's thoughts rested on ideas along the lines of 'she's just being friendly, right?' and 'Why is she making me feel so warm inside?'  Wednesday was having a similar dilemma along the lines of 'Why am I enjoying this?' and 'I hope Enid doesn't think I'm weird'

As the horror movie drew to a close the two stayed in each other's arms as they began discussing what they just saw, with the general consensus being Wednesday loved it and Enid hated it. 

"You said yourself, there's another 4, we should watch one a week or something" Wednesday proposed.

"Maybe, so long as I can keep my arm around you throughout it" Enid started to violently blush as she spoke.

"That wouldn't be so bad." Enid's blush intensified further and Wednesday had to turn away to hide her smile. 

"I hate to say it but look at the time, we should probably try and get some sleep now and pack up this crap in the morning"

"For a change I agree with you" Wednesday mumbled, not wanting to let go of Enid.

The two girls reluctantly separated off to their respective sides of the room, where they swiftly completed their nightly routine, before Enid asked if she could give Wednesday a hug goodnight, to which she heard:

"You're pushing it now."
Wednesday disappointed Enid with her response before creeping up behind her while her back was turned and linked her arms around her waist and rested her chin on Enid's shoulder.  Enid felt a sudden warmth and once Wednesday let go turned around to hug her back.  The two held each other for a minute, enjoying their warmth and comfort before Enid broke away and said goodnight. 

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