(Jebus x Reader) Wounds

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Summary: You've had a terrible week, thankfully, your lover is here to make you feel better
WARNINGS: Mention of amputation

This day was shit.

Actually, scratch that. This whole week was shit.

To sum it up, your “home” got destroyed, you managed to get on the AAHW’s bad side because they just couldn’t process what “I didn’t know the building wasn’t abandonned” meant, that added more nearly fatal injuries to your schedule, and to top it all up, some of the many terrible memories decided to come by and say hello.

So yeah. Bad week.

But hey, at least it was over now. And you could go back to the actually abandonned, non-AAHW building your lover found for you. Jebus. The love of your life to say the least. He’s usually a nomad but he decided to keep this slightly safer than usual place longer than he normally did so you could rest in here after your first in a long chain of injuries. God was he your light in this hellish state.

Actually, there he was, right in front of the door you just opened.

“Huh. You’re awfully early.” Pointing that out felt necessary as the self-proclaimed savior is usually out late doing, well, self-proclaimed savior stuff (AKA killing “sinners”)

“Well, I…felt like something was wrong, so I figured coming here would be the best way to find you.” He akwardly walked up to hold your hand as he said that.

That made you chuckle “Do you have a sad partner detector on you or something?”

“Maybe, because right now I can tell something is wrong.” Oh shit.

“Wha- Nah, I’m fine, promise!” Well that was fake as fuck. So was your smile. And you knew no matter how good of a liar you were, Jebus could always tell when you were genuine and when you were not.

“You definitely don’t seem like it. Do you want to talk about it dear?”

“I…” you couldn’t say no to that nickname now could you?
“Yeah…sure. But can we go to bed for it please? I’m tired…”

“Of course.”


It didn’t take long until you were just dumping all your sadness and frustration that had built up over the months on Jeb. You could feel yourself cracking with your voice. It felt like everything had already crashed down and just continued burning without end. You didn’t know if you’d make it until the end. Hell, you didn’t know if you’ve even made it to the beginning

“It’s…it’s the end of the world. You have already made through the end. And I know you can do it again if you have to. Because…because you’re strong, love.”

Oh. You didn’t realise you said that last thought out loud.

Not that it was a bad thing. Your lover’s soothing voice along with his warmth was honestly all you needed to feel better. You could even feel his heartbeat despite him having died multiple times.

And this time, your smile was genuine.

“Thank you, I love you so much”

“I love you too.”

“This is why I call you my husband.” You laughed at the way he sputtered after you said that. You loved calling Jebus your husband, much to his dismay.

Oh well. It was always cute to see a mature murderer get flustered.

“…Fine, you’re allowed to call me husband this time only.”

“Yeah, right. I’m always allowed to- Ow!”

While you two were wiggling around, you accidentaly pushed a bit too hard on a bandaged hand and oh man that hurt. That was the one that almost got amputated, after all.

“Oh shi- sheep! Are you- I’m sorry, are you alright?” Jeb started panicking a bit after possibly hurting his already injured partner.

“Yeah, yeah don’t worry. Just…I think I need to change the bandaids on that bitch.”

You were about to get up for said bandaids, when your “husband” held your hurting limb up.

“May I? To apologise for hurting you?”

Third time your mom-boyfriend made you chuckle in less than an hour. This was why you loved him so much.

“Alright. I know I don’t really have a choice anyway.”

So, he quickly got to unwrapping the bandages from your hand and replacing them. Not without a bunch of apologies on the way. Or checking you other wounds, physical and mental, just to be safe.

And you didn’t complain. That just meant more chit chat. Neither of you knew how long it lasted, but all you know is you couldn’t be happier anywhere else but with eachother.

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