(Hank x reader) Night Owl

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Summary: Everyone knew Hank didn't need any sleep. However, you sure did.

"What time is it?"

They asked themselves as they groggily walked to the half broken (but still functional) clock in the hallway.

"3 am? Maybe THAT explains why I can't go back to sleep."

Indeed, they had woken up to mysterious circumstances in the middle of the night and despite still being tired as shit, fallikg back to sleep revealed to be a real pain in the ass.

But, actually, it wasn't all that bad of a situation. All thanks to the ex-dreamland visitor's brilliant idea of giving Hank Wimbleton a visit in his bedroom.

Now, anyone else would have been frivolous at the thought of waking up Hank Motherfucking Wimbleton at 3 am. This particular person however, could allow themselves that as they, against all disrespected laws of the Universe, managed to make this genocidal maniac feel anything other than ungodly rage. A feeling he thought themselves was lost forever.

(That's love, if you were wondering.)

Also, Hank did not need any sleep whatsoever, he largely prefered to stay up all night doing whatever they do at this time.

As the sleepy person already knew all this, they knocked on their bedroom door making sure to say who it was out loud. They heard some shuffling and footsteps before seeing the door open to their partners glowing red goggles tilting his head to the side.

"I woke up and can't go back to sleep, can I stay with you for a bit?"

He nodded and stepped to the side to let them get in while still leaving the inside of the bedroom as hidden as possible from the outside world.

Hank's room was far from cosy. As soon as you'd enter it would feel like an unheated house in the artic, and the plethora of weapons, despite being well organised, didn't make the already pretty empty room feel any more reassuring to most people.

The room owner's lover didn't mind though, as they simply went to the rarely used, medical looking bed to sit down, followed by their muderous partner.

"Are you okay with me laying here while you do your stuff?"

He nodded, but there was something wrong. Hank looked droopy, almost dissapointed, a harsh contrast to his usually "stern" self.

"Are you alright? Do you want anything else? I can leave if you want."

He immediately got more agitated with those last words. Once again, quite a funny attitude for the most wanted man in the state. After waving his hands in a 'nonono it's okay' motion, they jusy stood there before finally opening their arms wide.

"Oooh, do you want to cuddle?"

Another nod, and they laughed before pulling their lover on the bed (which was not easy. This motherfucker is a whole tank by themself). It was rare for Hank to actually ask for physical affection, so his simppartner definitely wouldn't let this oportunity pass.

He lied down on the bed with their lover on top. Said bed didn't have any pillow so they took that job himself. He could feel them pressing up against his tittiestorso and work their magic of making this cold-blooded killer feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

His body, however, was not warm. At all. Conscious of this, Hank tried to limit any contact with skin, letting the thick layers of clothing do the job for them. Unfortunately, this would not go unnoticed.

"Hey, why are you only letting me touch your clothes?" He almost jumped at the sudden question. Their lover looking up at him.

"Is it because you're cold?" They could see their big cat lover turn his head in shame at that, which made them feel a tinge of guilt when they giggled.

"Hey, don't worry about that. A bit of freshness from time to time is nice."

At their words, Hank immediately went back to cuddling with no holding back this time. Craddling his love in their arms, rubbing circles in their back with his rough hands.

They were starting to fall back asleep at this point. Hugging back at the comforting mass of their boyfriend chest. But right before they fell completely unconcious, they heard something.

"Good night."

Hank's voice was rough. Strained, dark and metallic. But in this very moment, it was just as gentle and protecting as a parents embrace. Kind of like the one he had on them right now.

With one last smile, they drifted back into their slumber.

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