(AAHW Agent x AAHW Scientist reader) Lucky

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Summary: While working on a new project, a certain agent catches your attention.
WARNINGS: "Human" experimentation, the agent is described as short (doesn't mean you're tall if you were wondering)

Last week, your boss had pitched an idea to you about enhancing the agents. It was kind of like the ATP units, except you just had to make some already strong dudes half insane so they could go feral on Hank Motherfucker Wimbleton while still knowing how to stay still.

Basically, steroids but permanent and less brain damaging.

So, you went to work. Unfortunately, your supply of test subjects was low, as most the agency's few cloning machines had short-circuited. Therefore you could only rely on either pure theory, or any agent that would be willing to be experimented on, which is not many.

"So how's Bulldog going?" You jumped and turned around at the Auditor's echo-y voice. He was very invested in your project, Bulldog being its title, for some reason.

"It's doing fine. Despite the shortage, we've made progress."

"That's good to hear. Make sure not to kill yourself on this. You're one of our only scientists."

And with that, he was gone as soon as it had appeared. You didn't know whether they meant that last sentence in an affectionate or annoyed way, but being enigmatic was common for your employer, so you could only go back to focusing on your work-

"Excuse me?"

You turned again to see this time an agent looking at you.

"Is this the place for the project Bulldog thing?"

"Yes, what do you need?"

"Well, I heard you needed volunteers for the experiments, so I thought, maybe I could...do that?"

They rubbed their neck as they said that. Jebus, finally someone actually signed up! But...there was a problem.

You looked up and down at the agent. The thing was, the agents looking to get enhanced had to be relatively big. But this one...this one was definetly smaller than average. And that body wouldn't survive the process, especially at such a primal stage.

"Um...well...it's really kind of you to participate..." Dammit! Of course the only polite and cute person to actually want to be tested on had to be a twink! "But...the experiment is mostly done on...different types of shapes, you see?"

They sighed after that "Just say I'm weak and tiny. I already know it."

"No no no! I'm sure you're plenty strong!" Damn. Poor guy. Knowing some of the employees here aren't more mature than middle schoolers, they probably got picked on for their status. "Just...it's probably gonna be complicated if you're not stronger..."

Another dissapointed sigh "I'll just seek myself out then...Thank you Doctor..." They said as they turned around to leave.

"Wait! Wait." You couldn't just let them off like that. "You can still help if you want to. Are you good at math?"

They immediately turned back at that, eyes sparkling behind the sunglasses.

"Yes! Tell me what you need me to do!"

You smiled at the agents enthusiasm. "Follow me, I'll bring you to the computers. What's your agent number?"


"Hm. The lucky number."

"Yep. Some coworkers call me Jackpot because of it! (At least the ones who actually respect me...)"

"I'll just call you Jackpot then. W-Well, if that's ok with you at least."

"Oh don't worry, I like it!"

And so, Jackpot and you started advancing on project Bulldog together, while also advancing on your friendship. Conversations that were originally just you explaining to your new assistant what they had to do soon became more and more casual. Over the weeks, both dropped the professionalism and just started talking about eachothers interest, whatever weather was left, and other topics that would be unimportant to anyone else.

Especially to the Auditor. He didn't mind more staff working on the experiments, but if said staff brought more chit-chat than actual results, she would get mad. And she did. But so far you weren't too worried about it. Because compared to execution on the spot or horrid torture, unpaid additional hours working in storage and garbage disposal was preschool work.

So, there you were. With Jackpot throwing away useless metal tinker for recycling (it was more so not to waste any precious ressources rather than protecting the planet; it's already dead anyway).

As your were carrying a box of tinier parts to the place they would be eventually melted in to create new parts, you heard your friend swear under their breath. You turned around to see them hunched over their own box, seemingly struggling with something.

"Are you alright Jackpot?" They jumped at your voice before turning their head around.

"Y-Yeah! Everything's fine! Just...fuckin'!"

They seemed a bit embarrassed to continue explaining, so you just walked up to them and realised they were struggling with their tie, which probably got messed up during your free labor.

"Oh, is that it?" Silence. "Here, let me help you."

They watched as you did so. Whether you actually succeeded or not, the attention was enough to make Jackpots face heat up considerably. You were probably blushing too.

"Uh...Th-Thank you Doctor..."

"You can call me by my name, you know?"

"Oh! R-Right! Sorry force of habit!"

"No need to apologize, it just means you're polite. And there! All done!" You backed away from the now fixed tie with a large grin on your face.

"Aw, thank you agai- Huh?" When Jackpot looked down to admire your work, they noticed something...new...and shiny...

A small, green clover shaped pin was attached to their outfit, contrasting with the oh so ordinary black and red of their uniform.

"I found it in the smaller junk. Thought it'd suit you, with the whole luck thing.

Because I sure as fuck was lucky to meet you..."

"Aww! Thank you so much! And green is my favorite colour too- wuh-wait what did you just say?"

"Nothing, it's nothing."

You and Jackpot just smiled at eachother for a few seconds before returning to your work.

Yep, you were truly lucky to be "friends" with this ray of sunshine.

A/N: Did I just accidentally make an oc? Yes. Yes I did.
This fandom makes me love the AAHW way too much.

Madness combat x simp (aka you)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें