Chapter 1

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Vulgar language and slurs
Thoughts of su!c!d3

Pov Soul:

Soul and Kid stood on the balcony at the DWMA (Death weapon meister academy). "So Soul what did you have to tell me" Kid asked impatiently. "Well uh.." I took a deep breath it's now or never "Kid, I like you" I said avoiding eye contact. "I like you too" Kid replies. "Really?" I ask. "Hell no, why would I ever like you, Im not a disgusting fag like you" Kid says with an amused expression. Just then our friends walk up. "Hey guys did you know that Souls gay" Kid yelled. "Disgusting" "Fag" and more harsh words were heard throughout my friends while they all glared at me. Just then Maka who hadn't said anything walked up to me and embraced me whispering "Fags like you should just die" as she pushed me off the balcony and I woke up.

I jolted up from my bed panting. Shit. Another nightmare. "Soul! We gotta get to school!" Maka yelled coming into my room. "Hey you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost" Maka asked "Yeah I'm fine, just a nightmare it's nothing" I say getting up to get dressed. "Wanna talk about it?" Maka asks. "Nah it's nothing to worry about" I said. Maka then leaves. I don't want they way she views me to change and the last thing I want is her to know I'm gay and her to worry about me.

-time skip-

Me and Maka reach school and met up with our friends. Our friends being Blackstar, Tsubaki, Patty, Liz, and Death the kid more commonly know as Kid, is the guy who I have a really big crush on. Maka is my meister. Blackstar is Tsubakis meister and Kid is Liz and Patty's meister. The meister and weapon pairs live together.

"Hi!" Maka said greeting our friends. "Hey" I said quietly.The group gave our greetings and started walking to class. I trailed a bit behind. Not far enough behind to cause someone to notice. I couldn't get the nightmare off my mind. If they ever find out that I'm gay it would be the end of me.

As I was lost in thought I suddenly got slapped on my back. "Why do you look so gloomy when your in the presences of someone as great as me!" Blackstar yelled. I just laughed not being able to come up with anything to say. We make it to class and take our seats

-time skip-

End of school. "Hey soul, Im gonna be sleeping over at Tsubakis with Liz and Patty" Maka says. "Cool" I said and then proceed to head home. I got home and fell asleep.

-time skip-

I woke up and tried to fall back asleep for 20 min but failed and gave up. I check my phone to see it's 7:36. I decided to go on a walk cause the house was gonna be boring.

The streets arent too busy and there's a nice calm atmosphere. I decide to go sit by this pond that's an area hard to find. The only people that know about it are my friends and I. There's a cliff and then about 10 feet down water. I sit down on the cliff looking down at the water seeing my reflection. Why do I have to like guys.

Why do I have to like Kid. Im just an annoying ugly gay kid. No one should have to deal with me. It would be easier if I just ended it all. I mean who would even really care. To Maka Im just her weapon nothing more than a tool and she pretends to care so she can keep using me and I won't leave. To Blackstar Im just a guy who puts up with his nonsense so he sticks around just so someone listens to him. To Tsubaki Im just Blackstars "friend" nothing more. To Liz and Patty Im just a guy they are forced to be around. To Kid Im just an annoying guy who is head over heels for him. My parents don't even care about me. It would be easier to end it all right now rather than keep annoying them for the years to come.

I noticed I started crying. How uncool. I stand up and step a bit closer to the edge of the cliff. This is a perfect spot. Maybe I should write a letter first? Nah who would read it. I take a step a bit closer and I take a deep breath. It's now or never. I knew that I wanted this but yet I was still scared. "Im sorry Blackstar... I'm sorry Maka... Im sorry Kid... I love you" I say as I finally take the last step forward into sweet abyss.


Makas pov:

Ugh stupid me for forgetting a book. Tsubaki tried to offer me a book but I couldn't just start a book when I'm in the middle of one. I make it to mine and Souls apartment to find Kid standing in front of the door. "Hey kid! What are you doing here?" I ask. "Oh hi Maka, I was supposed to work on a project with Soul Im guessing he forgot but I've been knocking for 10 minutes and there's been no answer" Kid says. "He's probably just asleep" I replied. I open the door and pointed towards Souls room Kid getting the signal that, that's Souls room.

I go to my room and grab my book and head back out to see Kid walking away from Souls room looking a bit worried. "He wasn't there" Kid said. "What?" I said. I checked the bathroom and it was empty. "Maybe he just went on a walk or something" I suggested. "I'll go search for him" Kid said. "I wish you luck" I said. Kid followed me out of the apartment and I locked the door behind us and then we split into different directions.

Kids pov:

Soul where could you be. I spent an hour looking for him when I started to get tired and really worried. Nothing bad could have happened to him right? I mean this is a big city It'll take forever to find him what was I expecting. Wait.. maybe he's at the pond...

Although I was tired I ran as fast as my legs would let me. I finally reached the pond and saw Soul standing there. I was about to call his name when he started talking.

"I'm sorry Blackstar... I'm sorry Maka... I'm sorry Kid... I love you" he said. What? Before I could register what he said he took a step forward and fell off the cliff. "Soul!" I ran just barely catching his hand but it was slipping from my grasp. He looked up at me with a shocked expression unable to form words. I grabbed his hand with both of mine and successfully pulled him up. We both fall onto the ground.

We both laid there for a while neither of us being able to form words. Soul was surprisingly first to say anything.

"Kid...why did you save me" He asked. "What do you mean 'why did you save me' your one of my closest friends" I answered while Soul laughed. "What's so funny" I asked. "It's just that... nevermind" Soul said regretting what he was about to say. "It's just that?" I said. "I said it was nothing." Soul said in a more deep tone. "Can we just forget this happened" he asked sitting up. "No you just tried to kill yourself I can't just forget about that" I said also sitting up. "Kid please it doesn't matter" Soul said. "No it does matter" I said and hugged him.

I felt Soul stiffen and then relax a bit laying his head on my shoulder and hugging back. He started to shake a bit and my suit became a bit wet but I didn't care, I assumed he was crying but I just let him cry rubbing his back. I noticed that I started crying to. I just witnessed someone I love try to kill himself so there's no surprise. Ive been holding in tears this whole time to be strong for him."Im sorry" he whispered. "Im sorry, I'm sorry, Im sorry" he started saying over and over again. "Shh, it's okay" I said trying to calm him down. After a bit his sniffling stopped and he pulled slightly away from the hug wiping his face. I stood up holding my hand out to him "let's head back to your place" I said. He nodded and then grabbed my hand and we headed back to Souls apartment.

Word count: 1460 words

Soul x Kid ~ BittersweetWhere stories live. Discover now