"Uh . . . I don't know? I was just gonna . . . Wing it?".



"Sounds great, let's go!".

"What? No! I didn't mean you guys, too!".

"You thought you were going without us?". Tang smirked.

"Mk, we get it. You're the monkie kid, ha. It's your job to go fight the bad guys". Pigsy exclaimed.

"But we're team, little man! It's our job to get you there!". Sandy said.

"No matter what". Mei added.

"You may be horrible at coming up with plans for operations, but you're crazy if you think your friends won't always be there for you". Min exclaimed.

Mk got teary, feeling lucky to have these guys as his friends, as he smiles and nodded. They start driving again, but the bull clones followed them in a iron bull tank.

"Look! There! DBK's throne room! It's got to be down there!". Tang exclaimed, pointing at a pit in the construction site they were driving through, before he sees the iron bull tank.

The iron bull tank was ramming the food truck, but sandy managed to jump out with mk, min and mei. Sandy destroys the iron bull tank, while the three teenagers headed to the throne room.

"Come on, you guys! Let's go!". Mei said.

Suddenly,  a explosion took place, sending the trio falling into the pit. Luckily, min caught unto the wall, stopping herself from falling, and grabbed mk's ankle as he caught mei's leg. The trio 'phew' in relife.

"Nice save, mins". Mk commented.

"Thanks mk. Hay mei, you mind taking over with your sword?". The 17 year old asked the 18 year old girl.

"Sure, minny". She replied, holding out her dragon blade.

Min then swings her friends above her just in time for mei to stab her sword to the wall.

"Great, now what, min?".

"See you guys on the flip side". Min lets go of mk's leg and falls down the pit.



'They are coming for you . . .'  DBK hears them whisper

"Father, let me go up there and destroy those-". Red son was interrupted by his father laughing at him.

"You? Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure! Time and time, again, nothing but disappointment!".

Red son lips whimpers as he had a shadowed face and squeezed his fist, knowing his father was right.

'Traitor! He's a traitor'

"Traitor! Yes, perhaps".

This surprised red son. "No, father!".

"You thought you could deceive me? Stand against me?". DBK yelled, throwing his fist at the shocked red son.

But just before it could hit him, DBK's fist was caught by someone none of the demon bull family expected to see.

Min glared up at the bull demon. "Demon Bull King, how dare you raise your fist at your own son! Your own flesh and blood!".

DBK hears more whispers, his vision changing from min to guang xuming as he blinks. "Guang xuming. You dare come back after betraying me?".

MONKIE KID: THE TALE OF THE NINE TAIL FOX GIRL Where stories live. Discover now