Chapter 27: Help

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All Moon could do was stare.

Winter was on the ground with multiple wounds, the one on his neck being the biggest and bleeding the most. She quickly ran to him "WINTER!" She knelt behind him and cradled his head in her claws, seeing the other students run in with their eyes wide.

Moon was sobbing, and Qibli growled "I'll follow Snowslide! Turtle! Help him or get him to the infirmary!" Turtle rummaged through his bag and pulled out his healing stone and placed it on Winter's back, those wounds beginning to heal.

After a moment of silence, Turtle sighed "that'll keep him from dying for the time being. But we need to get him to the infirmary." Moon nodded and Turtle grabbed Winter, putting him on his back and walking to the infirmary.

Kinkajou and Peril stayed behind, comforting Moon. They gave her a group hug, Moon gladly accepting and hugging them tightly.


Qibli ran down the halls, tracking the feintest hint of Icewing blood on the ground. He followed the trail outside, seeing Snowslide with some injuries on his back, neck and wings.

Qibli growled and hissed, the sound sounding like a rattle snake when it lashes it's tail. "A-ah... You must be the Sandwing."

Snowslide whipped his head around and for a split second, Qibli was terrified. But he shook off the feeling and hunched down, claws extended with his wings making a 'm' shape with his body. 

"I won't kill you if that's what you're wondering. You aren't strong enough and I already have my two targets." "Attacking an unexpecting dragon is just low. And cowardice." Qibli spat at his adversary, barring his fangs at him. 

Snowslide chuckled, "oh is it now? I thought taking dragons off-guard was smart." Qibli hissed and raised his tail so he looked like a scorpion ready to attack, his barbed tail pointed at Snowslide, specifically one of the gaping wounds on his neck. 

Snowslide faced Qibli as he inched closer, "oh my. Challenging me to a duel? If you think that attacking a dragon off-guard is low and cowardice then attacking an injured dragon is just wrong."

"I believe I can make an exception for you."

Snowslide smiled "you have the same drive in your eyes as the Prince does." Snowslide cracked his neck and slammed his tail against the ground, then flexing it and pointing it towards Qibli. "But that won't help you in this situation."

Qibli hissed and lunged at Snowslide, knocking him back, then him scratching Snowslide's tail with his claws and swinging his stinger to his side. When Snowslide saw the stinger, he rolled out of the way and pounced on Qibli, swiftly slamming into his side, splattering some of his blood on Qibli.

Snowslide whirled around and kicked Qibli, who tumbled to the ground then Snowslide pounced, pinning Qibli to the ground. Qibli shot some fire at Snowslide's eye, and he roared in pain, covering his eyes with his claws. The Sandwing kicked him off and slashed Snowslide's snout, not even deep enough to leave a scar.

Snowslide hissed and opened his eyes, shooting Frostbreath at Qibli, which he fought back with his fire breathing. In the middle, where the ice and fire met, there was a mix of steam and smoke, with some ice shards forming small crystals on the ground.

When Qibli saw the ice coming closer, he deflected the beam to the ground, making a puff of smoke, snow and ice shards appear. Qibli rolled out of the way and jumped in the air, firing some fire at Snowslide's location but the fire blew through the smoke, and hit the ground.

He heard a chilling cackle.

"That was fun, I look forward to fighting you again Qibli."

Snowslide was gone. Qibli failed to stop him and he roared in anger. He wasn't even at full strength and he overpowered me. 

"Qibli!" He heard someone yell, he looked back and saw Kinkajou, her colours green and blue. "It's about Winter." Qibli ran to her "is he alright?" She nodded "yes, he's alive and his wounds are healing just fine." Qibli paused "no 'but's?" Kinkajou shook her head "no, thankfully no 'but's. He's alright." 

She looked around, seeing the snow on the floor "he's gone. I tried to stop him but he was too strong. He was hurt even worse than Winter and he overpowered me easily." Kinkajou let in a sharp breath. 

"If he's that tough when he was badly hurt... Just how strong is he when he's at full power?"


"He's waking up! Winter... Winter can you hear me?!"

Winter opened his eyes and saw Moon next to him, sitting on a chair and holding his claw. He smiled "thank the stars!" Moon gave him a hug "why didn't you wake me? I could have helped you!" Winter chuckled "but you were sleeping so peacefully... And besides, you had a rough time."

Moon sighed and hugged him harder "just shut your snout Winter." 

He chuckled and looked behind her, seeing Peril and Turtle "hey, you guys okay?" Peril chuckled "we're not the ones who got attacked." Winter smiled "what did you tell them?" Turtle sighed "we told them a bear got in and attacked you. We know you didn't want a panic among the Icewings here." Winter smiled "thanks, means a lot."

Winter slowly sat up and looked at Turtle's healing rock which was attacked to a bracelet on his wrist. "Thanks Turtle." He said, looking up at him and he smiled. Just then, they heard some steps outside the small room and Qibli came through with Kinkajou. 

"He got away."

Qibli hissed, scraping the ground. Winter smiled and extended his tail and rested it on Qibli's shoulder "I'm just glad you're fine." Qibli smiled weakly "thanks man. How you feelin'?" Winter shrugged and rubbed his neck "I've been better. The healing rock is helping a lot." 

Kinkajou looked at everyone, "what are we going to do now? Snowslide is still out there and by the damage done and what Qibli told me he's stronger than he's letting on. We're going to need an edge of some sort."

Winter looked at his back and pulled out the Gift of Anti-Animus and handed it to Qibli. "If something happens to me, use this. It's the only thing that can kill Snowslide but he'll be looking for this."

Qibli took the blade and nodded "alright." Moon curled up next to Winter. "I'll stay with him for the time being, you guys can head back." Kinkajou nodded and turned invisible while the others headed out of the room.

"Just a precaution Moon,  I promise that if you both do something.... Intimate I'll leave."

"No, no no. No. No magic is going to be happening. We literally got together." Winter retorted, to which Kinkajou shrugged "alright. If you say so."

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