Chapter 8: Confrontation

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All Winter could do was stare wide-eyed.

His crush was here, she found him.

How? He made sure to not leave any traces.

"What are you- How are you... How'd you find me?" He asked, finally finding the courage to speak. She smiled and shook her head, walking towards him. Winter stepped out of the way and Moon placed the tomato on the counter, then turned back to the Icewing. 

"Is... Anyone else here?" He asked hurriedly, rushing to the door and looking out, before letting out a sigh and walking back to her. "I didn't. I still have no idea where you are." Winter thought for a moment, before looking around "I'm... Dreaming, aren't I?" Moon nodded "do you remember the Dream Visitor you left us?"

"I never left any Dream Visitor. What part of 'do not come looking for me' did you not understand!" He snapped, barring his fangs and spreading his wings a little bit, knocking over more vegetables. 

Moon winced and stepped back, folding her ears back and tucking her wings close. Winter's angry face slowly faded to one of shock and regret. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to snap.... Arg. Walrus tusks.... This is why I didn't want anyone to find me. Especially you." There was no anger in his voice, just sadness and concern. "Winter, we're worried about you." She tired to reason, stepping closer to him and extending her claw, but he shook his head. 

"I could still hurt you. I ran away just so I wouldn't yell at you or anyone else anymore."

He looked up to meet her eyes "why didn't you stay away?"

Moon stepped closer and grabbed his claw and held it in hers. His claw still felt cold, but it was comforting to her. "I've been best friends with Darkstalker. I'm pretty sure I can handle an angry Icewing." Winter nodded and gently squeezed her talon before giving her a soft smile.

"I was prepared to never see you again... But I'm glad I did. Man, what's wrong with me?"

She jumped up and hugged him, wrapping her wings around him and nuzzling her head into his neck "I'm so happy you're alright." He nodded "I'm so happy to see you, even if I am dreaming." She nodded and pulled away, but realized what he had said earlier.

"Wait hold on, you said you never left us a Dream Visitor? But Hailstorm-" "Wait. Hailstorm gave it to you?" He interrupted, looking shocked. "Yes, why?" Winter sighed "I left him that Dream Visitor because he was in charge of the Icewings and the Icewing hybrids in Sanctuary. It was supposed to be used to report back to Queen Snowfall on the status of the Icewings and the Icewing hybrids, damn it Hailstorm." Winter growled, before sighing. 

Moon sighed and looked around "so, this is where you've been staying? It's real homy." Winter nodded "yeah, I found it a while ago so every now and then I come back and fix it up." Winter gestured to a chair next to the table and Moon sat down on it "I know this is a dream, but uh... Soup?" He asked, holding a ladle and a bowl. Moon nodded and Winter poured some soup in the bowl, before grabbing a spoon and putting it in the bowl, then he blew some Frostbreath on the soup before setting it down in front of Moon. "There, it shouldn't be so hot but please be careful."

Moon grabbed the edge of the spoon and she began to stir the soup as Winter poured some for himself and finished cutting up some tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as some mangoes. Moon watched with a blush on her cheeks, before shaking her head and focusing back on the soup.

She slowly lifted the spoon to her snout and drank the soup from the spoon and her face lit up "it's so good!" She said, immediately grabbing more and repeating the process. Winter chuckled, blushing "yeah, I can't guarantee it will taste good in the real world, but I'm glad you like it. It's made with some spices and veggies from all across Pyrrhia. I call it: Pyrrhian Soup." Moon smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Winter consumed some of the soup and then looked back at Moon "how are the others?" He asked nervously. "They miss you, but they're fine. Peril and Clay are working on the fired walrus recipe, Turtle and Kinkajou are getting more comfortable with the couple life, Qibli misses you yelling at him, even if he won't admit it, and I... Well, I miss you too. I can't help but think it's my fault you left."

Winter shook his head "of course not! It's not your fault. I left because I was being so mean to you and the others, I couldn't stand the thought of you guys getting hurt because of me so I ran away..." Moon's face saddened as she got up and walked to Winter, resting her claw on the Icewing's cheek with a smile "it's alright. We forgave you a long time ago." Winter was about to saw something, but he sighed and nodded.

Moon looked around and noticed everything was becoming a little blurry. "You're waking up." Winter gave Moon a concerned look "Winter before you wake up promise me." "Promise what?" "Promise you'll write. Send us letters. Oh and, next time you're dreaming it might be another one of our clawmates here."

Winter nodded "Moon before I wake up. I just wanted to say, I-"

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