Chapter 3: Cope

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Moon couldn't get any sleep that night. She was too busy blaming herself for her friend's disappearance. 

She clutched the Skyfire ankle bracelet Winter wore in her talons. It fit in her claw perfectly and she played around with the black Skyfire in her black talons. She let out a long sigh and flapped her wings a few times, standing up and walking to the cave entrance, covered with long palm tree leaves for privacy.

Moon slowly walked out of the room, careful not to wake up the sleeping Rainwing beside her

She sighed and Moon's dark scales allowed her to blend into the darkness perfectly. She smiled and walked out of the room, the palm leaves running over her black and silver scales. It tickled her but she held in the laugh.

When the young Nightwing exited the room, she went down the hallways past her sleeping clawmates and exited the mountain.

She made her way to the entrance of the Academy and looked up, seeing passing clouds with a golden light on them. Moon tilted her snout up and opened her black wings with silver scales. They were grazed by the wing and Moon took in a deep breath and flew upwards to reach the clouds.

Moon flapped her wings and flew higher until she reached the top of Jade Mountain. She reached the top and hovered there at the spire, looking at the horizon where the sun was rising. The warmth hit her scales, but so did the cold wind.

And it reminded her of him.

Suddenly, her wings missed a beat and she stumbled in the air, and began to fall.

She whimpered but the she landed on someone else who was flying and they laughed.

She felt cool, slimy scales that were lined with gills.

Her wings caught up and she landed on a ledge, and got a good look at the dragon who saved her.


"The one and only."

Moon clutched the Skyfire in her talon and her wings dipped down and her snout pointed to the floor "I'm sorry if I broke any rules for being out this early I... I just.. I was just-" "Looking for a way to cope right?"

The headmistress answered, landing on the spot beside Moon. The Seawing was much bigger than her, but she had a certain sympathy in her eyes. "Yes... Winter... He's gone. Not dead! Well I hope not but... He left and I think it's my fault." Tsunami let out a sigh and pointed to the passing golden clouds.

"See? Even with so much rain in them, they manage to stay in the air."

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

Tsunami chuckled "even with the feelings inside you, good and bad, you need to move forward. Your tribe has spent so long on a volcanic island, but they're strong, they pushed past that and are now leading happy lives all over Pyrriah." 

"Because of you and your friends, Tsunami. You have it easy.. You had instructions to follow and friends to help out you.. You stopped the 20 Year War. But you were happy!"

Tsunami's smile faded. "No, I wasn't. I never liked The Dragonet Prophecy, and I hated that it dragged my friends into it. But... Before you were born, I was sent to fight in the Ex-Queen Scarlet's arena against another Seawing named Gill. I had no trouble killing him but, when I met my mother I found out that Gill.... Was my father." 

Moon's ears stood up and her tail lashed back and forth, gazing Tsunami's occasionally "your father?!" Tsunami nodded "yeah. Although when I saw him in that ring..."

Moon peered into Tsunami's mind and saw what had happened.

She saw him through Tsunami's deep sea-blue eyes. She looked very much like Gill, but his scales were seaweed green and had dark patches under his wings.

He looked like his scales were completely deprived of water and his eyes were pure insanity.

When Gill lunged for Tsunami, Moon backed out of her mind and panted, clutching onto the Skyfire that still had Winter's scent. For some reason, she felt safe. Probably because she knew Winter as someone very strong and resilient.

Tsunami sighed and grabbed onto Moon's shoulders, and wrapped her wing around her back, like a blanket "you back? You with me?" Moon nodded and calmed down from her panic attack, "that.... That was your father?" Tsunami nodded and the though of Gill sent a shiver through Moon's scales. 

"He was. He was tortured and kept away from water for a very, very long time." Tsunami explained, her head lowering and shaking slowly. "No dragon should be treated like that." Moon nodded. Moon smiled and placed her tail gently on Tsunami's, "your father would be proud of the dragon you've become."

Tsunami smiled and Moon noticed a glint in her eyes.

"I know you're reading my mind right now Moon, but, thank you... I really needed that."

Moon nodded "sorry, still gotta learn to control that." The Seawing laughed and then sighed "you know what would cheer me up... Or, Clay.. But I blame him! He got me into the habit! So, when you're sad. Get this, eat."

"Eat? When you're sad?"

Tsunami nodded and stood up, her wing falling to the floor "come on, let's go to visit Glory, she'll have just the food to cheer you up. 'Kay?" Tsunami lifted into the air, followed by Moon, but she stopped "wait, I have class soon shouldn't I-" "I'm a headmistress, you'll be fine Moon." 

The Nightwing nodded and flew along side Tsunami, although she struggled to keep up with her.


They landed in front of a giant forest that Moon knew like the back of her claw, so she was ready to go on her own but Tsunami smiled "I'm coming with you Moon, right now, you're my responsibility."

"Well, she's in my kingdom Tsunami. You haven't forgotten that have you?"

"Oh great." Tsunami said with an eyeroll as a green Rainwing with pale under scales and a flower crown flew towards them. "Glory! Not a pleasure, how are things?" The Queen of the Rainwings barked out a laugh and lashed her tail back and forth.

"So, what owes me the pleasure of having your Sassy Seawing Self here?"

"We need food."

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