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Five Years Later


Turtle was rushing through the trees, ignoring the questions some dragons asked as he sprinted through the rainforest. He had to get home. He had his family waiting for him and he was gone all day and didn't get to see them at all. After a few seconds, he came across a large tree with spiral stairs going up to a house near the leaves.

He opened his wings and flew up to the small ledge that was facing a double door with some vines outlining the frame. He opened the door and walked inside.


Turtle knelt down and opened his arms and embraced the dragonet that hugged him. "Hey Kelp! How are you?" Kelp smiled and gave his father a gentle squeeze as they hugged.

Kelp looked almost exactly like Turtle, but he could shift his bioluminescent scales to any colour he wanted and had small flaps behind his ears as Rainwings do. His eyes were big and deep sea blue. Kelp was three years old but very smart for his age like his father was.

"I'm good! Mama has mango pie ready!" At that moment, he heard some steps coming towards them. "Alright you two, come and eat. The pie is on the table." Kinkajou states, wearing a flower crown that was made up of daisies. 

Turtle smiled and placed Kelp on the ground as he walked over to his wife and kissed her cheek "thanks honey, sorry I'm late." Kinkajou smiled as her husband walked away towards the kitchen. Kelp followed his father proudly with Kinkajou right behind him.

As Turtle walked towards the kitchen, he noticed the small crib in the corner of one of the rooms. The Seawing stopped and slowly crept into the nursery. The floor was wood with soft leaves on top and a small sky-light that could be closed with a trap door. Over the crib was a small little chandelier but instead of lights, there were small origami birds that spun in a circle along with the chandelier.

In the small crib, there was a tiny dragonet that looked more Rainwing than Seawing, but she had gills and pink scales with green scales that could glow. On her wings were the infamous royal Seawing swirl pattern. She was about two months old. 

Turtle smiled and bent over and kissed the sleeping dragonet's forehead "sleep tight Waterlily."

Turtle backed out of the room and went to the kitchen where Kinkajou and Kelp were. "Here Turtle." Kinkajou said, handing him a slice of her pie. Turtle smiled and accepted the offer and took the plate in one claw with the fork in his other claw as he sat down at one side of the square table with Kinkajou on his right and Kelp on his left.

"How was your day love?" Kinkajou asked, taking a bite of her pie. Turtle hummed as a response then swallowed "it was nice. Mother invited us over to the Deep Sea Palace for a dinner tomorrow if we're up for it." Kelp's eyes lit up as he stood up and wagged his tail "really?! Can we go mom?! Can we can we can we can we?!"

Kinkajou put her claw to her lips and flicked her eyes over to the nursery with Waterlily inside. Kelp nodded and sat down and Kinkajou smiled "of course we can. If it's going to be a day trip then we should pack some essentials or things to keep the dragonets occupied while we fly there."

Kelp nodded and began wagging his tail as he continued to munch on his pie. Just then, Kelp heard small hiccups, then some crying. Kelp quickly ran over and saw his little sister whaling in her crib while flapping her wings and lashing her tail.

Kelp leaned over the crib and gently picked up his little sister and rocked her in his arms "hey... Hey.... Hey... It's alright... Shhhh. Calm down... You're safe." Waterlily slowly stopped crying and hugged her brother tightly and then fell back to sleep.

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