Chapter 30: Action

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Snowslide inched closer, looking pleased at the devastation he caused.

He twirled the spear in his claws and was about to thrust it into Moon's chest, but he laughed, and twirled around, forming his claws into a sideways 'c' shape, and grabbed someone, pinned them to the ground by the neck.

"I must applaud your stealthiness, Kinkajou."

Kinkajou's scales slowly shifted back, revealing Snowslide crouched on top of her, holding her neck with one claw with the other holding the spear and his tail slithering to the side of her face, gently stroking her cheek.

"But you are camouflaged, not invisible. Which means you still have a shadow."

Turtle snapped out of his trance and looked at the scene in front of him, and began to growl.

Kinkajou opened her mouth and stuck her front fangs out to spit venom at Snowslide, but he twirled his tail around her snout, clamping it shut. Snowslide began to squeeze, both with the tail and the claw around the Rainwing, hearing a cracking noise from his bones and hers.

Kinkajou began to whimper and clawed at his scales, but she slowly began to lose vision. Her scratching began getting less frequent and slower and her tail slowed to a stop. 


Turtle roared and bolted towards Snowslide and he smiled and swung his spear at Turtle, but it bounced off his scales and sent a shock through Snowslide's arm when the spear hit Turtle's scales. Snowslide was visibly shocked but quickly gasped when he felt the equivalent to a fully grown, bulky Mudwing slam into his side.

Turtle had done a full turn and slammed his tail against Snowslide's side which knocked him back a staggering amount.

Turtle roared, spreading his wing and standing in front of Kinkajou who was unconscious on the ground. 

Snowslide shook his head and roared back at Turtle, snapping the others out of their trance. Snowslide rushed to Turtle and they began to fight, Turtle winning. Snowslide opened his mouth and sprayed Frostbreath towards Turtle, but he dodged and charged at Snowslide, biting his neck, leaving a small scar.

Snowslide pushed the Seawing off and launched him back, near Kinkajou. Turtle snorted and Snowslide was about to charge at him again, but Qibli swung his tail in front of him, narrowly missing the Icewing.

"Your opponent is me now."

Snowslide cracked his neck "very well. I've been looking forward to our fight." Qibli rushed to him and jumped over the swing of the spear and landed on Snowslide's back, ready to stab him but Snowslide swung his tail up and hit Qibli's back, knocking him off.

Qibli flapped his wings to lift himself off the ground and breathed fire at Snowslide, burning his back. He roared and swung his claw up, grabbing Qibli's ankle and yanking him down on his back. Qibli hit the stone floor, getting the wind knocked out of him.

Snowslide scoffed and raised his spear, angling it to his leg. "Disappointing. I thought you'd put up more of a fight. And I was looking forward to this but now... I'm just sad. A reminder, I'm not trying to kill you, or Kinkajou, or Turtle, I'm merely incapacitating you while I kill Moon and Winter." 

He inched to Qibli "if you think I'm hard to beat now... Just wait until I go all out on my prey." 

 Qibli's eyes widened seeing the spear jolted back, and was about to be stabbed through his leg. As Snowslide was about to stab him, there was a blast of Frostbreath mixed with fire.

Snowslide looked back and saw Peril and Winter panting angrily, with their mouths open, ready to fire a second time. Snowslide rushed over and swung his spear at Winter, which was countered with his tail. 

"Give it up Snowslide! We outnumber you!"

"You think numbers are going to make a difference? Oh.. You have no idea how wrong you are."

Snowslide swung his spear again at Winter and it pierced his shoulder. "Gah!" "Winter!" Moon reached for him, but Peril shook her head and spread her wings "stay behind me Moon!" Since Peril had her Firescales active, she wasn't able to touch Peril.

Winter shook his head and clawed at Snowslide and he dodged swiftly, looking unimpressed. This went on for a few minutes, Snowslide landing blows and winter barley dodging some and not managing to fight back.

"This has gone on long enough!" Snowslide yelled as he swung his tail around and sliced Winter's side, blood spewing out.

Winter gagged and fell to the ground, but he slowly lifted his head and tried to stand "oh? You're still conscious?" He laughed and spewed Frostbreath downwards, making a giant ice ball half his seize and picking it up, before throwing it a Peril.

She was knocked back from the impact and staggered upwards, shaking off the little snow there was. When they looked up, they saw Moon being held by the neck and her wings pinned by Snowslide's free claw.


"My my my. This looks familiar." Snowslide mused, looking at Winter, "where have we done this dance before?" He tapped his chin with his tail and smiled "ah yes, I remember now, it was when you promised Gelid you'd protect him. And then, I took him from you, held him by the neck and... Hmm. I can't place my claws on it." He smiled and raised his tail towards Moon's throat "maybe if I do this it'll help jog my memory."

He was about to stab Moon, but someone slammed into his side and caught Moon before she hit the floor. Moon looked up "Turtle!" He smiled to her and looked up at Snowslide "you forgot about me!"

Snowslide hissed and threw his spear at him, and Turtle blocked it with his wing, the spear hitting his wing and getting thrown back at Snowslide. "You've made your scales invulnerable I presume?" "That's what happens when you get into an argument with your Animus sister." Turtle placed Moon on the ground and smiled "stay behind me and Peril."

Peril joined turtle and she cracked her neck "it's been a while since I've fought. I'm a little rusty but I assure you that I'm quick to catch up." Peril went on the offensive and managed to hold back Snowslide. Peril swung her claw up and managed to slice Snowslide's neck, leaving a brunt scar in the shape of her claws. The slice went from the top of the side of his neck, to about halfway down his neck.

He roared and thrashed, then aimed Frostbreath at his own claw and encased it in a thick layer of snow and ice. He swung it a Peril's head and knocked her out, her body falling limp, but curled around Kinkajou and Turtle's egg. "Peril!" Moon yelled, Turtle hissed and slammed his tail against the ground. 

Turtle lunged forward, and began to fight Snowslide. He dodged all the attacks and rolled his eyes, and hit Turtle's neck in a specific area, knocking him out. "Your scales may be invulnerable, but your nerves are not."

He turned his attention towards Moon and smiled. "Now that they're knocked out, it's your turn to face your fate." Moon panted "pitiful. They all risked their lives to save you and look where that got them." Snowslide flew into the air and raised his spear, and threw it as hard as he could towards Moon.

She curled around herself for protection, and then she felt something slam against her side, knocking her back into a nearby rock. She whimpered on impact. Her ears began ringing. And then she heard laughing. A familiar eerie, laughter. She opened her eyes and looked down, seeing and feeling the warm blue liquid pooling around her talons.

She got a flash.

No... No.... No not now... Please.... It can't...

"A sweet gesture, but how futile."

She opened her eyes and saw Winter, in front of her lying down, with a giant spear sticking out of his side.

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