Some apologies

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Anya's pov

I got back to home after I watched the movie with Damian. It was a really good movie. But right now, here I'm,
Standing in front of my house. Staring at the door. Deciding whether to go in or not.
I am afraid dad will get mad at me for running away from home. But I can't avoid him either. Its not that I don't understand how he feels or something but still....its awkward.

After 5 minutes of standing outside and staring at the door, I decided to go and apologize.

*clank* I opened the door and walked in. Only to bump into something or someone.

I looked up to see. It was papa.
He looked at me equally shocked.

"Anya-" He said. I cut him off.

"Papa!!! I'm sorry. So sorry!!!"
I started.
Big drops of tears started forming in my eyes. I really don't want papa to get mad at me.

"Anya! Don't cry! Why are you crying?!" Papa said.

"I-i am sorry!" I cried.

"No. Its my fault. You didn't do anything. In fact, I am sorry. You told me to wake you up but I didn't. " papa said. In a really concerned voice. He was worried about me.
'I didn't like the fact that anya was going out with Damian. At such a young age at that and also that it could be dangerous for her to go out with the target's son. But I can't really stop this. It was childish of me.'

....papa's thoughts.... he was genuinely concerned about me. This made me tear up even more.

"WHAAAAAAAAAUGHH" I snaped and cried out loud.

"?! A-anya stop crying! I'm sorry!"

"Noooooo lets all go to the amusement park!! All three of us!!" I said.

"Well we can't right now. Not with you looking like this. Come in and wash up." Papa said.

Oh right. I am looking like shit right now....

"Papa....tell mommy to get ready. We are going to amusement park." I said. Getting out of the washroom. Already wearing my outfit. It's not so late either if we go right now. Its only 4 in the afternoon and the park closes at 9 so we have plenty of time to enjoy.

"Okay." I looked at papa as he got up from his seat and walked towards the kitchen to find mamma. Looks like mamma agreed.


"Anya lets go to that ride!!" Mamma said. We all ran towards the giant roller-coaster. "After that we will go to that sliding things!" I said before hoping into one of the roller-coaster seat. I don't know the name of that ride but I know its cool. Papa's face got pale as I continued to plan the next rides. He really didn't liked fast rides.

'Its for the mission! Bare with it twilight!'.
(P.s: You can do it twilight!)

We managed to ride all the scary rides and now papa has gone the washroom. But in reality, he got a call from another spy.

"Loid's taking long. I wonder if everything is okay." Mamma said. I have to do something!

"Papa takes so much time to poop." I said. I faceslaped myself in my mind.
'This is the only thing I figured out to say?!'

"O-oh..." mamma said. Now she really thinks that papa takes a lot of time to poop. Oh well. Its okay i guess..

After twenty times papa returned with ice creams in his hands.

"I bought ice creams! There was a really long line!! That's why I got late. Haha..." Papa said. He looks tired.

"Oh thank you Loid!"
"Its not a problem. I'm sorry to made you two wait."

"Oh its nothing really! Everyone takes time in the washroom!" Pftttttt-I covered my mouth to stop laughing. Almost chking on my ice cream. "I- oh r-right. Haha" papa turned to me and I turned away. Avoiding his eyes but I can clearly read his mind.

'What did you say while I was gone?!' Is what he's thinking. But you can't blame me papa but saved you!

We finished our ice creams and gone to explore more things there. After eating dinner at a restaurant, we returned home. It was a really lone day.

After washing up and changing into night dress , I immediately laid on bed and fell deep into sleep.

......Today was fun......

Yooooooo! After months of absence, I am here! With another update and notice of another long absence.....yess....
Sigh. So yes, since there are so many exams, I can't keep up on writing new chapters. I just finished one exam yesterday and there is another exam in January and the in February too so I don't think i can update it now. I am thinking of updating after my exams are finally over. All of them. So for the time being, I am going on a hiatus.

Sorry again.

I hope you all will stay well and healthy!

Thank you for reading my story!! Thank you and love you all!!!

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