Y/N went to the exam proctor and gave her application form to him in return getting a seat number, she nodded once to Ibiki, a sign of respect to the superior who reciprocated the gesture, handing her a tab. 

"Seat no. 67" Y/N muttered her gaze roaming in an attempt to find her designated seat.

Y/N finally found her seat not bothering to check who is sitting beside her left or right. She was in between two people where one seat had yet to occupy. There was a sufficient distance between them. She preferred an isolated place or a corner seat. 

Her eyes focused at the exam proctor still handing out the tabs, she felt someone shifting beside her vacant seat.

"Lucky ~ To sit beside a Shirazaki"

 Y/N turned her head hearing an uncanny voice. She saw a girl, whose age she wasn't able to guess and she had a headband with the grass ninja symbol. She also had a straw hat covering her head.

Y/N ignored her as usual but the grass ninja spoke again "So how does it feel being the last Shirazaki"

Y/N's eye glowed in rage, she turned her head to the lady beside her "Shut up, It doesn't concern you"

Kabuto who was just seated few seats behind clenched his fist in anger 'How rude'

But to Y/N's dismay, the grass nin only smirked in amusement. 

Y/N looked to her side to see a red sitting beside her. 'What was his name again? Something of the mud? no. Right Gaara of the sand?'

Feeling someone's stare Gaara looked to see Y/N looking at him with an impassive look. Y/N titled her head in acknowledgement while Gaara stared at her before blinking blankly. But after a few seconds Gaara also bowed his head in acknowledgement.

Well to say he was not surprised would be incorrect

"Pft" The grass nin beside her chuckled seeing their interaction, licking her lips "You are very amusing"

"Do not turn your test over. Listen closely to what I'm about to say" Ibiki announced as the one sided conversation between the grass nin and Y/N came to a halt.

"There are many important rules to the first test. I'll write it on the board while i'll explain but I'm not taking any questions so listen carefully" He started jutting down on the blackboard, a white chalk in his hand.

"Rules" Sakura frowned 'No questions allowed? Why not?'

"Rule No: 1 Each one of you here starts out with 10 points. The test has 10 questions, each worth one point. For each question you get wrong, we subtract a point from you. Get all 10 right and you retain the ten points you have. But if, for example you answer three questions incorrectly. we take your 10 points. Subtract one point for every wrong answer and your total drops down to seven"

'In other words, if I get all ten questions wrong, I'll end up with no points at all' Naruto thought in dilemma, nervous sweat droplets forming on his face

"Rule No: 2 This written test is still a team event. Passing or Failing will be determined by the sum of the points held by all members of each team. The object is for each team to have as few deductions as possible from it's joint thirty or forty points total"

"Wait a second" Sakura raised her voice interrupting Ibiki "The whole concept of the start points and the deduction is hard enough to follow...But what is this Team total you are talking about"

Y/N shook her head in dis-contempt at the pinkette 'No Questions'

"Did you not hear the part 'No questions'. We have our reasons. Shut and listen. You might learn something" He irritably uttered.

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