Chapter 35 Damage Control

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No one's POV

Later at Tekkadan Headquarters, after the battle with Seraph and Hashmal, everyone was checking on the wounded and doing damage control. Orga, Nadi and Yamagi were in the engine room with Amdusias Bestia Mikazuki was still in the cockpit, connected to Amdusias.

Orga: Why aren't you pulling Mika out?

Nadi: We can't disconnect him from the system while he's unconscious

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Nadi: We can't disconnect him from the system while he's unconscious. We don't know what'll happen if we force it off.

Orga: Damn it...

Mikazuki slowly began to wake up.

Orga: Mika!

Nadi: You're back.

Orga: Are you okay?

Mikazuki nods to confirm that he's okay.

Mikazuki: I'm alright.

Orga: Do it.

Nadi: Right. Yamagi, disconnect him.

Yamagi: Yes.

Yamagi types on his tablet.

Yamagi: Disconnecting the Alaya-Vijnana.

As Mikazuki disconnected, he leans forward, as Orga catches him.

Orga: Mika! What's wrong? Does something hurt?

Orga: Mika! What's wrong? Does something hurt?

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Mikazuki: No... It's just... my legs won't move.

Everyone looked at Mikazuki shocked at this news.

Orga: Mika...

Suddenly, Barbatos Lupus entered the engine room, as everyone saw Azee on top of the cockpit, with Nhazul who was still unconscious. Everyone saw his injuries and were shocked.

Nadi: Jesus...

Orga: Nhazul!!!!

Azee: We had a few close calls on the way back here. I had to give him CPR multiple times. He lost a lot of blood on the way here, he's going to need a transfusion.

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