Chapter 11: With every breath a new day

Start from the beginning

"There." Seung Joon pointed at the small garage-come-workshop next to the main house.

The place would do. The two men nodded and ushered a very confused Jeong Hyeok to the destination in mind.

"Please, sit down Jeong Hyeok" Joo Meok got him a foldable chair and placed it in the middle of the open area.

Jeong Hyeok didn't have any other choice except to follow their orders and wait for them to tell him what was going on.

Are they planning on killing me or something? Jeong Hyeok's eyes widened at that thought. He looked from Seung Joon to Joo Meok and then back at Seung Joon. They wouldn't do it. OR WOULD THEY?! He panicked.

He thought they were happy with him, and that Joo Meok was his friend. What happened now?

The two were standing, arms crossed, in front of their friend's boyfriend staring at him with an intensity that can make anyone fidget in their place. Their look told him that if it was up to them, they would have tied him down to the chair by now.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"You might do that in the future" Seung Joon replied confusing Jeong Hyeok more.

"That's why you are here"

"I... I don't get it" a puzzled Jeong Hyeok replied.

Seung Joon stood behind Jeong Hyeok's chair grabbing the latter's shoulders tightly causing him to wince in pain.

"So now you and Seri are officially together" Seung Joon stated still squeezing Jeong Hyeok's shoulders making the man nod directly.

"We have known Seri since we were kids. We literally grew up together. Even though she doesn't like to admit it, we are like her elder brothers. We would go to any length to protect her. Seri has been through a lot in her life which made us even more protective of her. As you saw, she is the most precious person in our family. Anyone who hurts her will have to face us." Seung Joon said seriously and finally, Jeong Hyeok understood what all of that was about.

Joo Meok continued, "She might look like someone who is a bit indifferent, but I am pretty sure you know by now that she is nothing like that. She is the softest and most endearing person you will ever meet. She is not as strong emotionally as she portrays herself to be. She needs someone to be her pillar. To be with her when shit happens in the name of her family. To love her and trust her. To take care of her because when it comes to her wellbeing, she is the most careless person to ever exist." 

"Seri can be a bit stubborn and a bit difficult to deal with, but we know you are the only one who knows how to put up with her. Trust me we saw how she is the happiest when she is around you. I have never seen Seri that carefree in a very long time."

Seung Joon then took over "Nothing should harm her. You have to protect her with your everything. If anything happens to her, you will find us there, in front of you, ready to fight for her. I will say this once and for all." He gave Jeong Hyeok a hard stare, which was returned by another nervous nod. "We are glad that she met someone like you. You are perfect for her, so don't disappoint her, and don't disappoint us. My parents liked you and they will trust you with Seri."

"Take care of her and love her. She will give you endlessly even if you show her the slightest amount of care." If Jeong Hyeok was not mistaken, he saw Joo Meok turning around and wiping his eyes.

After he noticed that Seung Joon and Joo Meok stopped talking to give him a chance to say something, he cleared his throat and said earnestly, trying to convey his true intentions. "The moment Seri entered my life, I knew that I want something more with her. I knew that I want a future with her. The whole package. Love, a relationship, marriage, children, family, and everything that comes on the way. She is and will always be my life. I will do anything to make her happy. She is so important to me that thinking of causing her pain, or even worse, leaving her, suffocates me. I will never take what we have for granted, and I will try my best to make Seri happy.

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