A Day out

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Musutafu, Japan: Police Station

??: [Nezu sir what can I do for you?]

Nezu: [Good evening detective Naomasa I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time]

Nezu: [Good evening detective Naomasa I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time]

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Naomasa: [Not at all sir. What is it I can help you with?]

Nezu: [*chuckles* Straight to the point like usual. Well I am sure you have seen the recent news regarding the Aldrea High principal correct]

Naomasa: [*sigh* That would be an understatement Nezu. Ever sense that broadcast, the police station has been receiving numerous calls from people wanting to press charges on multiple students from that school. Some of them are going from minor vandalism all the way to charges of harassment and physical assault.]

Naomasa: [.......To be honest it's quit astonishing just how much trouble some of those students are in, and that's not even talking about what those teachers are going to have to deal with.]

Hearing the venom in the detectives voice at the staff members of Aldrea High made Nezu release a loud laugh as he always found the suffering of despicable humans hilarious.

Nezu: [I can see your having a wonderful time detective. But back to what I was going to ask you.]

Hearing this Naomasa brought his full attention to the U.A president on the other end of the phone call.

Nezu: [As you must have heard, the recent changes many people have been going through had all been thought of to be someone's quirk in action. And not only does the conformation of the vigilante Wildcard from the former principal of Aldrea give us reason to believe he's the one responsible for all those changes, but one of my staff members also had an encounter with the vigilante and........let's just say we need to find him as soon as possible.]

Said Nezu going from his cheerful tone to one of grave seriousness as he mentioned needing to find the vigilante.

Naomasa: [*confused* How serious are we talking?]

Nezu: [Not only am I certain that Wildcard can somehow change people's personalities, but it appears that he also holds a different power or ability.]

Naomasa: [*shocked* A-are you saying he has multiple quirks!]

Nezu: [*chuckles* That is what I thought as well.........*serious* But when Azawia fought him he discovered that his eraser quirk had no affect on the vigilantes other power.]

Naomasa: [Eraser.....couldn't erase his quirk...]

Nezu: [Yes. That is why I am calling you. I know you're currently investigating those new hero deaths, but I also want to ask you to put in some time to find out anything you can about Wildcard.]

Izuku Midoriya Hero: WildcardWhere stories live. Discover now