The Flower Shop Pt1

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Musutafu, Japan: Izukus Car

[Announcer: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Musutafu FM on 76.9, your local radio show. Please help me welcome todays guest a rising hero in the rankings, give it up for the #51 ranked hero Death Arms.]

*Applause soundtrack*

[DA: Thank you for having me]

[Announcer: No problem Mr. Arms. Thank you for making time out of your busy schedule to come on our show.]

[Announcer: Now, if you don't mind, let's start with getting rid of the elephant in the room. A couple months ago you and your fellow heroes Mt. lady and Kamui Woods had the first ever public interaction with the now wildly known vigilante Wildcard. Anything you wish to say about him?]

[DA: *scoff* Please he's nothing but a wannabe vigilante who doesn't care about following the law and should be arrested.]

[Announcer: Well if I'm not mistaken, Mr. arms, Wildcard seems to be rather popular with the locals in the area that he's known to patrol........Now that I think about it....... the area that he patrols was an area that reportedly most heroes, and even some officers, would avoid and pretty much let the citizens in that area look out for themselves against any villains. Your thoughts?]

[DA: Look, others have said it before and I'll say it again, being a hero is no easy job. You can't expect us to be able to go to every area that needs assistance. Is it sad that no heroes were able to go to that area, of course. But you gotta understand that we have higher priority places that need more patrolling than others.]

[Announcer: Well, I can't say that no one agrees with you. After all any other news station or reporter outside of Wildcards area, seems to have a very negative opinion about him. So much so that hero's outside of Musutafu have been reported to have tried to apprehend him, only to either be given the slip or knocked unconscious.]

[Announcer: Since you yourself had such an encounter with Wildcard is there anything you can tell us about his fighting or his quirk?]

[DA:.....As much as I hate to say it......the guy was both incredibly fast and even strong enough to knock out Mt. Lady while she was in her giant form. He also seemed to posses some type of ice quirk as he encased both Kamui and myself before knocking us both unconscious.]

[Announcer: So it'd be safe to say that he's not someone to take lightly. And if any other hero's hope to catch him, then they'll need to sneak up on him or overpower him with numbers.]

[DA: That or just be strong enough to take him down in a face to face battle.]

[Announcer: But isn't it true that most of the time Wildcard actively try to not fight hero's face to face?]

[DA: *slams table* It's because he's nothing but a coward!]


[Announcer: *nervous laugh* h-how about we take a quick break folks. Please enjoy these messages from our sponsors and we'll see you back her in just a few minutes.]


Izuku: 'Wow..........that escalated quickly'

Ryuji: 'You could say that again. That walking steroids billboard really called you a coward when he could barely put up a fight against you'

Yusuke: 'Although, to be far you did get them by surprise'

Morgana: 'Hey! It's not Izukus fault that they weren't taking their jobs seriously!'

Izuku Midoriya Hero: WildcardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora