A Rainy Night Talk

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Musutafu, Japan Midoriya House




Izuku: *looks down* Hmm the boss is calling

*Picks up*

Izuku: [Hey boss what's up]

Sojiro: [Hey kid sorry to spring this on you last minute, but some unexpected business came up for me and I won't be able to do the shops inventory today do you think you could do it for me. You'll be paid for the work and don't worry about the store it's closed for the day so no unnecessary distractions]

Izuku: [Dont worry boss you can count on me, but while I'm there could I make myself something to eat my mom's working late today and we haven't gone to the shop yet. Actually I was about to head out to get some groceries for a meal]

Sojiro: [*chuckles* No problem kid just don't go over board you hear]

Izuku: [Thanks boss I'll head over now, it's a good thing you gave me a key or else I wouldn't be able to get in]

Sojiro: [Well I trust you so that's no issue....Oh before I forget bring a umbrella and wear a jacket, heard there might be rain and I wouldn't want you to call off sick because I didn't warn you]

Izuku: [*smiling* Thanks for the heads up boss I'll message you when I'm done counting]

Sojiro: [Thanks again Izuku]

*hangs up*

Ryuji: 'Nice of ya to help the boss out Izuku'

Izuku: 'It's the least I can do for him after all he's pretty much the first person to give me a chance even though I'm quirkless'

Makoto: 'That may be true, but the boss is also quirkless so it's easy to see how you two are able to connect a lot easier with each other than most people'

Futaba: 'Enough dilly dally you got a store to take care of'

Yusuke: 'Right you should get going so you don't stay out later than necessary'

Haru: 'Don't forget to dress for the rain like the boss said'

Izuku: 'Right'

Musutafu, Japan Shopping District

*Rain falling*


Izuku: Burr it's a good thing the boss gave me a heads up other wise i'd be soaked and colder than I already am

Ann: 'So Izu how do you feel everything's going for you so far'

Izuku: 'Honestly not to bad for once in my life I actually feel that I don't have to be afraid of the world'

Ren: 'You certainly have come a long way Izuku'

Lavenza: 'What about your dreams for the future Izuku'

Izuku: '....Honestly.....I still want to be a hero but....'

Ryuji: 'Why the long face?'

Izuku: *sigh* 'I recently got a letter from UA saying.....that my application was rejected'

Everyone: *shocked*

Izuku Midoriya Hero: WildcardNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ